
#include <config.h> #define uchar unsigned char sbit ST = P2 ^...


visual c++ - Cannot open include file config.h - Stack Overflow

I mean in the code, I can actually click on the #include line and open the file from there. So visual studios clearly knows what file it's supposed to be referencing.

#include#define uchar unsigned char【单片机吧】_百度贴吧

#include&l..#include#define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned intsbit dula=P2^6;sbit wela=

#include in C - GeeksforGeeks

The #include directive in C programming is used to include standard or user-defined header files at the beginning of a program, facilitating modular code and code reuse.

基于51单片机 (stc12c5a60s2)和Nrf24l01P无线模块的串口通信 - 哔哩哔哩

#include &# 34;NRF24L01.H" uchar flag,temp; sbit LED = P2^3; sbit LED2 = P2^2; sbit LED3 = P2^1; //************************************主函数************************************************************ void main () { int i = 0; CE = 0; SCK = 0; CSN = 1; IRQ = 1; P0 = 0xff; P1 = 0xff; #if MODE //发送 模式代码 TX_Mode (); //SPI_RW_Reg ...

libstdc++: c++config.h Source File - GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection

6 // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the

General Configuration.h Library - Programming - Arduino Forum

This Configuration.h file should be accessible for other libraries, such as a "modem library" which will handle the communication with the wifi Module. However to my dismay, if I try to include the configuration.h file into the header file of another library, the compiler does not allow the code to compile.

[单片机]大佬们能帮我看看哪里错了吗? - 知乎

#include<reg51.h> #include<intrins.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int sbit K1=P1^0; sbit K2=P1^1; sbit K3=P1^2; sbit K4=P1^3; sbit SPK=P3^0; sbit RS=P2^0; sbit RW=P…

#include #include #define dm P0 #define uchar ...

#include #include #define dm P0 #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int sbit DQ=P1^6; sbit w0=P2^0; sbit w1=P2^1; sbit w2=P2^2; sbit ...

c++ - How to use #include directive correctly? - Stack Overflow

Is there any material about how to use #include correctly? I didn't find any C/C++ text book that explains this usage in detail. In formal project, I always get confused in dealing with it.

c++ - Configuration related defines in public header? - Software ...

One could then include this config.h (probably with a better name) in the public library header library.h, and let the feature (s) depend on HAVE_INT64_T: // ...
