


2024-2025QS世界大学排名(QS World University Rankings) - 金矢留学

2024-2025QS世界大学排名(QS World University Rankings) 官方最新排名:2025年 | 更新日期:2024年06月05日. 2025QS世界大学综合排名运用9方面的具体指数衡量世界大学,这九个指数和他们所占的权重分别是:学术声誉Academic Reputation占30%;雇主声誉Employer Reputation占15%;师生比Faculty Student Ratio占10%;每位教员引用率 ...

2024-2025 Best Universities in the World - US News

See the U.S. News ranking for the top universities in the world. The Best Global Universities list includes schools from the USA, Canada, Asia, Europe and more.

World University Rankings 2025 | Times Higher Education (THE)

Explore the top ranked universities in the world Discover the top universities worldwide with the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025. This year, we have ranked more than 2,000 institutions from 115 countries and territories. University rankings 2025: key insights Oxford holds on to the top spot for the ninth consecutive year, bolstered by significant

2025年度泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名 | Times Higher Education (THE)

探索全球排名顶尖的大学 浏览2025年度泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名来了解全球顶尖院校。今年,我们对来自115个国家和地区的超过2000所高校进行排名,涵盖其教学、研究环境、研究质量、国际展望和行业参与。 2025年排名结果摘要 牛津大学连续第9年位居榜首 麻省理工学院超越斯坦福大学,排名第 ...

QS World University Rankings 2025: Top global universities

Discover the world's best universities with the QS World University Rankings 2025. This year's ranking is the largest ever, featuring over 1,500 universities across 105 higher education systems.

2024年QS世界大学排名(QS World University Rankings 2024)

qs世界大学排名学科排名-心理学; qs世界大学排名学科排名-药学及药理学; qs世界大学排名学科排名-农林; qs世界大学排名学科排名-解剖生理学; qs世界大学排名学科排名-护理学; 自然科学. qs世界大学排名学科排名-物理学与天文学; qs世界大学排名学科排名-数学

QS World University Rankings 2025 | QS

Being the first of its kind to incorporate both employability and sustainability factors into the methodology, the QS World University Rankings provides the higher education sector, governments and students a reliable rankings system that identifies the world's leading universities in a range of performance metrics.. This year's ranking is the largest - featuring 1,500 universities from ...

QS World University Rankings: Top global universities

This year's ranking is the largest ever, featuring over 1,500 universities across 105 higher education systems. The United States is the most represented country or territory, with 197 ranked institutions, followed by the United Kingdom with 90 and mainland China with 71.

World University Rankings 2024 | Times Higher Education (THE)

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024 include 1,907 universities across 108 countries and regions. The table is based on our new WUR 3.0 methodology, which includes 18 carefully calibrated performance indicators that measure an institution's performance across five areas: teaching, research environment, research quality, industry, and international outlook.

2025世界大学排名 | QS, THE, USNews, ARWU | 续航教育

世界大学排名 :续航教育整理了2025 qs世界大学排名、2025 the泰晤士世界大学排名、2025 u.s. news世界大学排名、2024 arwu世界大学排名这四大榜单及历史排名以供学生参考使用,各个榜单都有自己的评分排名标准,侧重点也各不相同,同学们在参考时候可以挑选自己看中部分比重比较高的排名榜单。
