现在影响 BM5A MKII 声音的主要因素是导向孔后置;比起声音,Dynaudio 似乎对外观设计更加保守(我觉得导向孔前置并不难实现,但 BM5A 的经典外观势必有变)。如果你要入手 BM5A MKII,这对音箱开始挑房间了。
Dynaudio BM5A,和Dynaudio BM5A Compact的区别主要集中在中低频的细节上, Dynaudio BM5A比较真实,当然,他们的低音单元的大小也不一样,可以拿来混音用,两个高频基本差不多, Dynaudio BM5A Compact和Genelec 8030A比,层次比较清晰,但没Genelec 8030A好听,主要是低频下潜的 ...
十年前,单位的一位老烧朋友推荐我买了一对丹拿bm5a,是一代产品,看时间是刚好没赶上Mark ii的发布. 买了以后,他帮我做了一个前级,好像用的 audio research 的主板,电子管 晶体管。然后自己TB了一台马兰士初级CD机,大概一千多,不到两千的样子。
bm5 mkiii是之前炙手可热的bm5a mkii的升级版。 与之前的BM5A MKII相比,BM5 MKIII拥有更高的声压级、更宽的频率响应和更大的功率。 凭借极为出色的动态范围和纯手工打造的优质单元,BM5 MKIII令许多尺寸更大、价格更高的监听系统望尘莫及。
The BM5A MKII imparts all of the quality and power that you've come to expect from Dynaudio Professional but they have been re-engineered to take nearfield monitoring to new levels of performance. New features include our handmade drivers that offer the best in quality and accuracy. The woofer offers longer excursions so stays linear for longer ...
The BM5 mkIII is the next generation of the tremendously successful BM5A MKII. With greater SPL, broader frequency and power response compared to the previous model, its ultra-high dynamic range and hand-crafted drivers deliver performance superior to many larger, more expensive monitors.
BM5A Compact出场就用交响乐开声,在试听过程中,中央电视台音频部沈齐老师有这样评价:"咦! 第一感觉就是乐器定位明显,脱箱感强! 相对于其紧凑的外形,表现出超乎想象的动态及声场,整体音色中性而真实" ,再听蔡琴的CD,表现人声,"声音细腻 ...
The BM5A MkIIs were definitely slightly silkier‑sounding at the high end, and the bass end was fuller — and I mean that in a good way. I would probably be happy to mix on these speakers for longer periods of time without a break than I would on the M1s. That said, comparing the two made the mid‑range detail of the BM5A MkII seem slightly ...
作为 bm 系列开山鼻祖,bm5 mkiii 其实是第四代,第一代是无源的 bm5,第二代是有源的 bm5a,第三代是 bm5a mkii,第四代 bm5 mkiii——注意它没有"a",毕竟现在都是有源。(为了便于识别,我们还是将 mkii 称为第二代)
BM5A MKII不仅沿袭了所有Dynaudio Acoustics品牌应具备的品质和性能,更被赋予了新生,将近场监听音箱引领至一个更高的水准。 这些新的特性源于纯手工打造的驱动单元,能够提供最好的音质和准确度的。