五星级酒店标准英文版五星级酒店标准英文版6.55starclasses6.5.1hotelslayoutsarereasonableA.ThefunctiondivisionisreasonableB ...
五星级大酒店全套设计标准 ... Design & Construction 品牌标准 第 2500.00 节设计与施工 如本标准中文版与英文版内容 有不一致之处应以英文版为准 Issued July 1, 2010 2010年7月1日签发 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 ...
在网上很容易找到中文版五星级酒店的中国标准,这里将此标准全部翻译成英文,以供参考. (Please see the standard 1~5 in the English box) 6 Opting items (78 items in total, 5-star hotel must possess at least 35 items among them; the more the fulfilled items, the higher the hotel level) Guest room (10 items) 1- From the guest room, checking the account through the ...
五星级酒店标准英文版6.55 star classes 6.5.1 hotels layouts are reasonable A. The function division is reasonable B. The facility easy to operate, is safe Inside and outside 6.5.2 repairs uses upscale,
五星级酒店标准英文版-J. But 8h directly accepts domestic and the international guest roomorders, and can the generation subscribe the domestic other hotelguest roomsK. Has valuables safety deposit box which the hotel and
五星级酒店标准英文翻译一、房间设施五星级酒店的房间应提供高品质和舒适的住宿环境。 主要标准包括:提供宽敞的空调客房,设有独立的卫生间;提供高品质的床上用品、浴室用品和毛巾;配备电话、液晶电视、迷你吧和保险柜等设备;提供免费的无线上网服务等。
五星级酒店标准英文版. Q. Provides in the shop to look for missing persons the service R. Provides the broker to order with the arrangement taxi service 8. The entrance hall and the main public region have the disabledperson to leave the person slopeway, provides the wheelchair Has thedisabled person special-purpose health once in a ...
2023最新版星评标准ICS 03.200 CCS A 12 中华 人民共 和国国 家标准 GB/T 14308—2023 代替 GB/T 14308—2010 旅游饭 店星级的划分 与评定 Classification and accreditation for star-rated tourist hotels 国 家标准 全文公开系统专用. 此文本 仅供个人学习、研究 之用, 未经授权,禁止复制、发行、汇编、翻译或网络 传播等,侵权 ...
五星级酒店标准英文翻译一、房间设施五星级酒店的房间应提供高品质和舒适的住宿环境。 主要标准包括:提供宽敞的空调客房,设有独立的卫生间;提供高品质的床上用品、浴室用品和毛巾;配备电话、液晶电视、迷你吧和保险柜等设备;提供免费的无线上网服务等。