


双壳纲 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

双壳纲 [註 1] (學名: Bivalvia ),又名斧足綱( Pelecypoda )或瓣鰓綱( Lamellibranchiata ),俗稱兩扇貝,是软体动物门的一个纲,生于海洋及淡水地区因有两片对称开合的拱形外骨骼(贝壳)而得名。. 现存的雙殼綱有9200多种,體型大小差異極大,其中最大的硨磲可达135厘米(53英寸)。

Bivalvia - Wikipedia

The taxonomic term Bivalvia was first used by Linnaeus in the 10th edition of his Systema Naturae in 1758 to refer to animals having shells composed of two valves. [3] More recently, the class was known as Pelecypoda, meaning "axe-foot" (based on the shape of the foot of the animal when extended).The name "bivalve" is derived from the Latin bis, meaning 'two', and valvae, meaning 'leaves of a ...

雙殼綱 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

雙殼綱 [註 1] (學名: Bivalvia ),又名斧足綱( Pelecypoda )或瓣鰓綱( Lamellibranchiata ),俗稱兩扇貝,是軟體動物門的一個綱,生於海洋及淡水地區因有兩片對稱開合的拱形外骨骼(貝殼)而得名。. 現存的雙殼綱有9200多種,體型大小差異極大,其中最大的硨磲可達135公分(53英寸)。

瓣鳃纲 - 百度百科

瓣鳃纲(Lamellibranchia )是指软体动物门的一个纲,属软体动物门,也称作双壳纲(Bivalvia )或无头纲(Acephala )。瓣鳃纲动物全部生活在水中,大部分海产,少数生活在淡水中。约有2万种,分布很广。一般运动缓慢,有的潜居泥沙中,有的固着生活,也有的凿石或凿木而栖。

Bivalve - Mollusks, Shells, Filter Feeders | Britannica

Bivalve - Mollusks, Shells, Filter Feeders: Paleontologists interpret bivalves based on shell and ligament structure, hinge teeth arrangement, and body form. Class Bivalvia has about 8,000 extant species divided into six subclasses: Palaeotaxodonta (Protobranchia), Cryptodonta, Pteriomorphia, Palaeoheterodonta, Heterodonta, and Anomalodesmata.

The Bivalvia - University of California Museum of Paleontology

The second most diverse group of molluscs behind gastropods, bivalves are one of the most important members of most marine and freshwater ecosystems. In fact, there are well over 10,000 described species of bivalve, found from the deepest depths of the oceans, to the streams in your backyard. Bivalves are easily recognized by their two-halved ...

WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Bivalvia

Although "Bivalvia" is a valid name for the class and has gained general acceptance following the Treatise on Invertebrate Palaeontology (Cox in Moore, 1969), some would prefer "Pelecypoda", on the grounds that other animal groups exist with bivalved shells (e.g. Brachiopoda, Ostracoda and some Gastropoda), that some animals attributed to ...

双壳纲(Bivalvia)/ 瓣鳃纲(Lamellibranchia) 蓝色动物学(中国动物学科普)

双壳纲(Bivalvia)通称贝类。两侧对称,身体侧扁,都具有两枚发达的贝壳包围整个身体,故名双壳纲。壳具有很好的保护作用。头部不明显,只保留有口,口内亦无口腔及齿舌。 身体腹面有一侧扁形如斧状的足,因此双壳纲也称为斧足纲(Pelecypoda)。 ...

双壳纲(Bivalvia) - 百度知道


Fauna Sinica Invertebrata Vol.24 Bivalvia Veneridae

中国动物志 软体动物门 双壳纲 帘蛤科 ... Class Bivalvia, Subclass Heterodonta, Order Veneroida, Superfamily Veneracea) of the China Seas. Mainly specimens is based upon the collection made by the Institute of Oceanology, Academic Sinica from the most northern sea, the Yalu River Estuary, to the southern most atea, the Xisha and ...
