急求!!!下载中英字幕+BelAmi+-+Lukas+Ridg...(1)种子的网址感谢哈 我来答
Over 120 award-winning blockbusters, including Lukas Stories, An American in Prague and Greek Holidays. LukasRidgeston Presents was designed to meet the market's demand for edgier content, without ever compromising on production values and overall quality. 14 titles to date, including the groundbreaking 3D BelAmi and the controversial Taboo ...
Heartbroken after catching Tim Hamilton cheating on him, Lukas travels to Cape Town, South Africa, to assist Marty Stevens in creating photos for a new BelAmi book. A baker`s dozen models are also on the trip, staying in the same hotel, taking advantage of the opportunity to get to know each other intimately. During the first part of the three-week stay, Marc Vidal gets together with Rick ...
Lukas narrates (in English) the story of his first experiences with other beautiful young men. The original videos "Lukas' Story" and "Lukas' Story 2" are now combined into one stupendous video. Highlights include Lukas sucking Filip Smirnov's enormous cock on a public bus, Lukas attending the rowing club party on a boat and stumbling upon a giant orgy (the largest ever filmed) with 30 amazing ...
As part of BelAmi's 20th anniversary special, George Duroy managed to convince Lukas Ridgeston to step in front of the camera once more. As is usual at BelAmi these days, all our plans seem subject to the machinations of Kevin Warhol and Jack Harrer, so when George originally planned to have Lukas film with Kevin, Jack set about hatching his own plan to sideline Kevin and grab the glory of ...
不知道大家有没有看过Lukas Ridgeston未入Bel Ami前的早期电影作品《Studio Fantasies》和《Boytropolis 2》呢。 前者我个人认为是Lukas最早的作品,因为从外型上看,Lukas非常年轻而健壮,最后一个情节则是做bottom的,应该是真正意义上的第一次,然而或许是拍摄条件的落后,画面相当模糊不清,而且也不是 ...
虽然Bel Ami只使用"Lukas"的拼法,但是外界的传媒还是两种拼法同时使用。 1999年6月,Ridgeston拿到了大学的建筑学学位。 Ridgeston的兴趣之一是Mini Cooper,自己也拥有一辆,是Mini Cooper拥有者俱乐部的一员,曾经在其组织的比赛中获胜。
lukas出生于曾经的捷克斯洛伐克的一部分,现在斯洛伐克的首都布拉斯特维拉。 2005,他完成了自己的最后表演,之后作为摄影师、网络短片的编辑和导演,为Bel Ami全职工作。
Einer der ganz Großen der Erotikbranche ist zurück: Lukas Ridgedon hat neue Szenen für das Kult-Label „BelAmi" gedreht. Und die zeigen: Auch mit 39 Jahren kann Ridgeston noch mit den jungen BelAmi-Boys mithalten. Seine letzte Szene hat der blauäugige Slowake im Jahr 2001 gedreht.
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