


4,4th,14,14th,40,40th英语写法规则一样吗? - 百度知道



十四 fourteen 四十 forty 第四 fourth / 4th 第十四 fourteenth / 14th 第四十 fortieth / 40th. ... 第四 第十四 第四十 的英文. 英文的40与14发音有什么区别 ...

English Numbers - Ordinal numbers - English Vocabulary

fourth = 4th; twenty-sixth = 26th; hundred and first = 101st; Titles. In names for kings and queens, ordinal numbers are written in Roman numbers. In spoken English, the definite article is used before the ordinal number: Charles II - Charles the Second; Edward VI - Edward the Sixth; Henry VIII - Henry the Eighth; Exercise on Pronounciation of ...

序數 ordinal numbers

4到19都是原本的數字加上th,有加底線的是稍為有點變化的 4th fourth: 12th twelfth: 5th fifth: 13th thirteenth: 6th sixth: 14th fourteenth: 7th seventh: 15th fifteenth: 8th eighth ... 40th fortieth: 80th eightieth: 50th fiftieth:

序数词- 英语百科 | 中国最大的英语学习资料在线图书馆! - 英文写作网站

4 fourth 14 fourteenth 40 fortieth 5 fifth 15 fifteenth 50 fiftieth 6 sixth 16 sixteenth 60 sixtieth 7 seventh 17 seventeenth 70 seventieth 8 eighth 18 eighteenth 80 eightieth ... Then a third and a fourth. 又一只天鹅飞了下来,接着是第三只,第四只。


十四 fourteen 四十 forty 第四 fourth / 4th 第十四 fourteenth / 14th 第四十 fortieth / 40th 相关推荐 1 十四、四十、第四、第十四、第四十的英文分别是什么?

英语中4和第4 14和第14 40和第40的区别 - 喜马拉雅

英语中4和第4 14和第14 40和第40的区 4,14,40 都是基数词,凡事表示数量的词,叫做基数词 。 第四,第十四,第四十都是序数词,凡事表示顺序的词叫做序数词。另外他们的拼写不同: four fourth,fourteen-fourteenth Forty-fortieth

一次了解【數字英文單字】基數|序數 - 英語學習筆記-Cardinal, Ordinal Numbers

1th和 1st 的差別在哪裡?哪個正確? For numbers ending in 1, 2 and 3, (except 11, 12, 13) 1 - first (1st) 2 - second (2nd) 3 - third (3rd) 從上表可知道1″st"才是正確的,是從first縮寫而成,所以不使用1th 而是使用1st。21, 31, 41..後面尾數是1的,序數縮寫都需要改成"st", e.g., 21st , 31st, 41st and so on.

Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers Chart - Math is Fun

A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many of something there are, such as one, two, three, four, five.. An Ordinal Number is a number that tells the position of something in a list, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc.

pronunciation - The silent "u": "forty" and "fourteen" - English ...

We all know that the cardinal and ordinal numbers 4 and 4th are spelled 'four' and "fourth" respectively. Then we have 14 and 14th which are spelled "fourteen" and "fourteenth". Yet the numbers 40 and 40th are spelled without the letter 'u', as in "forty" and "fortieth".
