


SUPERPRO/6100N Ultra High Speed Programmers Xeltek Electronic

High end XELTEX SUPERPRO/6100N make fully automatic operation come true. All our Ultra High Speed Programmers products are suitable for gang, cluster, PC-hosed and stand-alone use. Each product in Ultra High Speed Programmers series is supported by major IC manufacturers.

Xeltek SuperPro 6100N Universal IC Chip Device Programmer

SuperPro 6100N is a cost-effective, reliable, and high-speed universal chip programmer. It is designed to communicate using USB 2.0 port for development requirement and can also work in standalone mode (without connecting to a PC) for production requirement. It has the largest device support count in the programming industry with 144 pin ...

SUPERPRO 6100N Xeltek Inc. | Development Boards, Kits, Programmers ...

Order today, ships today. SUPERPRO 6100N - EEPROM, EPROM, FLASH, MCU, PLD SuperPro™ Programmer (Universal Out-of-Circuit) from Xeltek Inc.. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.

Ultra High Speed programmers: - xeltek-cn.com

SUPERPRO/6100N USB2.0 Interfaced Ultra-high Speed Stand-alone Universal Device Programmer The most powerful device programmer in device support you can find in the world;High programming speed;Universal package adaptors thanks for 144pin Universal Pin-drivers;PC hosted and stand-alone dual modes operation;Free software update;

SUPERPRO 6100N Xeltek | Mouser - Mouser Electronics

SUPERPRO 6100N Xeltek Programmers - Universal & Memory Based USB Interfaced Ultra-high Speed Stand-alone Universal Device Programmer datasheet, inventory, & pricing. (800) 346-6873. Contact Mouser (USA) (800) 346-6873 | Feedback. Change Location. English. Español $ USD United States.

SUPERPRO 6100 Xeltek | Mouser - Mouser Electronics

SUPERPRO 6100N: Manufacturer: Xeltek: Xeltek: Description: Programmers - Universal & Memory Based USB INTERFACED Uhigh UNIV DEV PROGRAMMER Programmers - Universal & Memory Based USB Interfaced Ultra-high Speed Stand-alone Universal Device Programmer Lifecycle: ...

SuperPro 6100 Stand-Alone Mode Instructions - Xeltek

SuperPro 6100N and SuperPro 7500N is a multi-purpose high-speed programmer for both R&D and mass production. SuperPro 6100N and SuperPro 7500N incorporate dual operational modes. PC Mode Operation: Programmer is connected to a PC via USB port and all operation is performed through the PC.

What is the difference between SuperPro 6100 and SuperPro 6100N - Xeltek

What is the difference between SuperPro 6100 and SuperPro 6100N. Updated on April 5, 2017 By admin Comments Off on What is the difference between SuperPro 6100 and SuperPro 6100N. Author: admin. SP6100N is improved version of SP6100 with improved signal quality of IO drivers. Apart from it most hardware and software between these two models ...

Xeltek Superpro 6100N Review - Steven Rhine - Rhine Labs Blog / News

Xeltek 6100N Device Programming Videos See My Other Blog Posts and Youtube . My Initial Thoughts: My fist impressions The Xeltek Superpro 6100N looks like it is a Quality Device. I have only done some "Limited Initial Testing" to verify the device is in working order upon receipt. I will be setting up to test burn chips here shortly.

PDF SuperPro 6100 sales@xeltek - Mouser Electronics

Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Xeltek : € SUPERPRO 6100€ SUPERPRO 6100N
