Don't you的中文怎么说?
「Don't you」常被用作否定疑問句。與通常的「Do you ~?」不同,這種形式用於疑問句,字面意思是否定。 然而,使用同一個短語「don't you」有多種不同的方式,如果您不了解這一點,可能會誤解對方所說的內容。
Don ' t you是don't你的意思等等。当您告诉某人不要做某事时,细微差别会更加明显。例如: Don ' t you think about eating any snacks before dinner. (思想吃晚饭前零食,不吃也绝对。)例: Don ' t you dare think about skipping any more classes. (只考虑再跳过一次课程。
Don't you think that life is always unfair? 不覺得人生一直都是不公平的嗎? Don't you think that she is in a good mood today? 你不覺得她今天心情很好嗎? 做~怎麼樣呢? 「don't you」的第四種用法是 否定疑問句「做~怎麼樣呢?」 。是在當向對方提議具體要做什麼時用的
这种句型怎么回答呢Yes, I do.No, I don't.别管前面的yes 和 no 就看后面是肯定的意思还是否定的意思 yes后就跟肯定意思,即便翻成汉语是"不"例如:Don't you like music?(你不喜欢音乐
Don ' t you是don't你的意思等等。當您告訴某人不要做某事時,細微差別會更加明顯。例如: Don ' t you think about eating any snacks before dinner. (思想吃晚飯前零食,不吃也絕對。)例: Don ' t you dare think about skipping any more classes. (只考慮再跳過一次課程。)
使用Reverso Context: you don't say, you don't want, you don't know, you don't need, don't you think,在英语-中文情境中翻译"don't you" 翻译 Context 拼写检查 同义词 动词变位 动词变位 词汇 Documents 词典 协作词典 语法 Expressio Reverso Corporate
Do you ~?"Don't you" is generally used when asking for confirmation of something the speaker already believes to be true. For example: "Do you go to that school?" is a simple request for information. "Don't you go to that school?" means "I think that you go to that school, so I'm asking you to confirm that."|Do you is used to ask if someone does something. You have no idea whether the person ...
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Translations in context of "don't you" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: you don't say, you don't want, you don't know, you don't need, don't you think
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