high是什么意思1. high作为副词时,表示位置或程度的高,例如:"She lives high up in the building."(她住在高楼层的公寓里。)2. 作为形容词,high用来描述高度或海拔,例如:"The mountain peak
high high: [OE] High is an ancient word. It goes right back to Indo-European *koukos, which is related to a number of terms denoting roughly 'rounded protuberance': Sanskrit kucas 'breast', for instance, Russian húcha 'heap', and Lithuanian kaukas 'swelling, boil'.Evidently the notion of 'tallness', central to modern English high, is historically a secondary development ...
high high: [OE] High is an ancient word. It goes right back to Indo-European *koukos, which is related to a number of terms denoting roughly 'rounded protuberance': Sanskrit kucas 'breast', for instance, Russian húcha 'heap', and Lithuanian kaukas 'swelling, boil'.Evidently the notion of 'tallness', central to modern English high, is historically a secondary development ...
在口语中, 我们很自然地就用high这个单词 来表达活动或是聚会气氛很好, 大家都玩的很开心。 我想你肯定说过这样的话: 1) 今天大家都玩得很high哈。 ... 那么,High到底是什么意思呢? High如果用来形容心情的话,通常意思就是吸毒了,吸高了!
highDepende do contexto, mas no geral significa "alto"|It depends on the context. In an informal context it means "intoxicated" or "stoned." High can also refer to the measurement between the base and the top of something. |In what context? |Alto(a). Mas também existe a gíria que significa "drogado(a)" ou "bêbado(a)".|Pode significar alto, embrigado ou drogado|Alto的定义
high是什么意思英语单词 high 是什么意思?high:高的美 [haɪ]英 [haɪ](百度翻译发音)adj.高的;有某高度的;(离地面)很高的;海拔很高的adv.在高处;向高处;(成本、价值)高;(数量)大n.最高水平