You can stream 'Liar' about Shin Sonic by Horror Skunx everywhere!🎵 Music composed & produced by: @NathanielWolkstein http://www.nathanielwolkstein.com/Horr...
The meaning of LIAR is a person who tells lies. How to use liar in a sentence.
LIAR definition: 1. someone who tells lies: 2. someone who tells lies: 3. a person who has just told a lie or who…. Learn more.
Synonyms for LIAR: storyteller, prevaricator, fibber, fabulist, fabricator, cheat, exaggerator, gossiper; Antonyms of LIAR: square shooter
Learn the meaning of liar as a noun for someone who tells lies or who regularly lies. Find examples of liar in sentences and translations in different languages.
A liar is someone who doesn't tell the truth. A liar tells lies.
A person who has lied or lies repeatedly.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.
Liar definition: . See examples of LIAR used in a sentence.
Learn all about the word "LIAR" in English: definitions, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one complete resource.
Liar Meaning. A "liar" is someone who tells lies or false information, intentionally or unintentionally. It comes from the verb lying. "Liar" has been used in the English language for many centuries, dating back to the 14th century. It comes from the old English word "leogere," meaning someone who lies or is a hypocrite. Lier Meaning