Microsoft Access 2010 Runtime打开文件弹出不安全提示
Download Access 2010 Runtime, Access Database Engine Redistributable (office connectivity components) 2010 and Source Code Control Add-in for Access 2010 today! Access Runtime 2010 Available in both 32-bit and 64-bit, you can download the Runtime here. It is currently offered in 13 languages and more languages will be offered at a later time. Access Database
The only other reason I can think of for that message is that the database is in an untrusted location. In a full copy of Access, this would be handled by opening the Trust Center and setting the folder containing the database as a trusted folder. If your users only have the runtime version of Access, though, they won't be able to do it that way.
Click on Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Office Tools -> Digital Certificate For VBA Projects (If you don't have this, you will need to contact your IT Dept.) Enter a Certificate Name. Make it obvious like MyProgramName and Click OK. Open the Access database which contains the security warning you want to bypass
屏蔽 关闭或取消Access数据库打开的安全警告或启用内容(启用宏)提示的6种方法,大家可举一反三,可能也适用于Excel VBA 、Word VBA 、PPT VBA等宏安全设置宏安全性主要是防止你打开未知文档时里面有恶意代码或病…
Microsoft Access 2010 Runtime打开文件弹出不安全提示由于Office系列的各种应用软件,都可以设置安全等级,因为可使用VBA,因此。如果安全等级的设置不妥当,打开文件的时候,往往会有各种提示。 如果你打开Acce
为什么我打开microsoft office access文件时候总是弹出警告这是正常的,用ACCESS打开数据库文件的时候,多都会有这个提示。主要有以下几个原因:1、数据库可能不是来自可信源。如果你的安全级别设置为"中"或"高"
易用性显著增强 如果将数据库文件(无论使用新的 Access 文件格式还是早期文件格式)置于受信任位置(例如,您指定为安全位置的文件夹或网络共享),则在打开并运行这些文件时,将不会显示警告消息或让您启用任何禁用的内容。另外,如果在 Access 2010 中打开使用 Access 早期版本创建的数据库 ...
1、打开"Access 2016"图标; 2、单击"某个Access的文档"文件,单击"文件"选项卡; 3、单击"启用内容"选项,单击"启用所有内容"选项。
Microsoft Access 2010 Runtime 32 位版本 的 Service Pack 2 (SP2) 包含的新更新可以提高安全性、性能和稳定性。此外,SP 是以前发布的所有更新的汇总。
Download the Microsoft Access 2010 Runtime Service Pack 2 64-bit package now. Download the Microsoft Access 2010 Runtime Service Pack 2 32-bit package now. For more information about how to download Microsoft support files, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: