OCIS 是什么?,怎么知道自己的OCIS
Since 1997, the OCIS codes have provided our authors, presenters, and reviewers with a valuable tool for classifying content and identifying research interests. We recently developed a next generation of OCIS—The Optics and Photonics Topics—to improve search, organize content by topic, and identify similar articles. OCIS codes are no longer ...
Optics Classification and Indexing Scheme (OCIS) is a categorization scheme used to encode the topic of an article or presentation in a 7-digit code. The system is used by the Optical Society of America in the organization of conferences and for journal publications. Authors are required to choose one or several OCIS numbers at submission.
文章浏览阅读7.1k次,点赞2次,收藏12次。OCIS(Optics Classification and Indexing Scheme)自1997年以来为OSA的作者、演讲者和审稿人提供了内容分类和研究兴趣标识的工具。然而,OSA已发展出新一代的Optics and Photonics Topics,以改善搜索,按主题组织内容,并找到相似文章。
Optics Classification and Indexing Scheme 光学分类与标引体系表(OCis码中英文对照) (中英文) (英文) (中文,翻译以第一列为准) Main Categories 类别: Main Categories: 类别: 000.0000 General 综述: 000.0000 General: 000.0000 概括: 010.0010 Atmospheric and oceanic optics 大气与海洋光学
OCIS has a two-level hierarchical structure containing 36 main headers and approximately 1100 subcategories. OSA authors, presenters, and reviewers use OCIS to classify and index journal articles, meeting abstracts and presentations, and areas of research interest and expertise. Suggestions for changes or additions can be sent to OCIS@osa.org ...
ocis 浏览查询工具上线 阅读:12637 时间:2008-4-10 12:00:00 为了方便广大光学科技人员更好地利用Optics Classification and Indexing Scheme (OCIS) ,我们特地制作了OCIS浏览查询工具,目前已经上线,欢迎试用并提出宝贵意见!
OCIS编码指的是光学分类与标引体系表代码。 OCIS (Optical Characterisaton, Indexing and Searching)是欧洲各国研究机构联手开发并应用在地理地质信息检索的一种检索系统。OCIS是一个针对地质学数据进行多级分类、多维度检索并对这些数据进行加工和描述的检索系统。
Tips for preparing a search: Keep it simple - don't use too many different parameters. Separate search groups with parentheses and Booleans. Note the Boolean sign must be in upper-case.
The Optics Classification and Indexing Scheme (OCIS) provides a flexible, comprehensive classification system for all optical author input and user retrieval needs.OCIS has a two-level hierarchical structure containing 36 main headers and approximately 1100 subcategories.OSA authors, presenters, and reviewers use OCIS to classify and index journal articles, meeting abstracts and presentations ...
OCIS codes: 270.5585, 130.3120, 300.6520, 230.4000 Integration of optics with single atomic particles is of considerable interest in the exploration of the basic quan-tum physics of atom-light interactions as well as for the advancement of quantum information science and cav-ity quantum-electrodynamics (CQED). Much progress