The meaning of SOON is without undue time lapse : before long. How to use soon in a sentence. without undue time lapse : before long; in a prompt manner : speedily; in agreement with one's choice or preference : willingly… See the full definition. Games; Games; Word of the Day; Grammar; Wordplay; Rhymes; Word Finder ...
SOON definition: 1. in or within a short time; before long; quickly: 2. at the same time or a very short time…. Learn more.
Find 90 words that mean soon, such as shortly, quickly, or rather, and their antonyms, such as slowly or reluctantly. See examples of how to use soon in a sentence and phrases containing soon.
Learn the meaning and usage of the adverb soon in English, with synonyms, idioms and grammar tips. Find out how to pronounce soon and see examples from different sources.
Answers for soon crossword clue, 12 letters. Search for crossword clues found in the Daily Celebrity, NY Times, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. Find clues for soon or most any crossword answer or clues for crossword answers.
in the near future. DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word 'soon'.Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors. Send us feedback
Learn the meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and usage of the word soon as an adverb, adjective, or idiom. Find examples of soon in sentences and related words.
Master the word "SOON" in English: definitions, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one complete resource.
SOON definition: 1. after a short period of time: 2. at the same time or a very short time after: 3. used to say…. Learn more.
Learn the meaning, pronunciation, and examples of the adverb soon, which indicates a short period of time in the future or the past. Find out how to use soon with idioms, comparatives, and other adverbs.