The meaning of AMOK is an episode of sudden mass assault against people or objects usually by a single individual following a period of brooding that has traditionally been regarded as occurring especially in Malaysian culture but is now increasingly viewed as psychopathological behavior occurring worldwide in numerous countries and cultures.
Amok syndrome is an aggressive dissociative behavioral pattern derived from the Malay world, modern Indonesia and Malaysia, that led to the English phrase running amok. [1] The word derives from the Malay word amuk, traditionally meaning "rushing in a frenzy" or "attacking furiously".
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AMOK definition: 1. to be out of control and act in a wild or dangerous manner: 2. to be out of control and act in…. Learn more.
AMOK meaning: 1. to be out of control and act in a wild or dangerous manner: 2. to be out of control and act in…. Learn more.
The earliest known use of the word amok is in the late 1600s. OED's earliest evidence for amok is from 1672, in the writing of Andrew Marvell, poet and politician. It is also recorded as a noun from the late 1500s.
2 meanings: 1. a state of murderous frenzy, originally observed among Malays 2. → See run amok.... Click for more definitions.
For the convenience of this paper I shall call the man who runs Amok an "Amoker," and the crime "Amoking." / […] I believe Penang has claimed that the Chief Justice's (Sir Wm. Norris) sentence, which reads like one of those of the middle ages, and which I will give in detail later on, passed upon an Amoker, and carried out within eight days of the Amok in 1846, was the means of ...
He Amok's syndrome Is a condition in which the individual becomes temporarily erratic and irrational, loses control and attacks violently and unjustifiably against the people or objects that are within reach.. It is an infrequent, supposedly cultural syndrome prevalent in Malaysia, Puerto Rico and the Philippines, although there have also been cases in modernized cultures.
Learn the origin, synonyms, and usage of the word amok, which means to rush about in a frenzy to kill or to lose control of oneself. See examples of amok in sentences and related words.