


PDF ASTM B117-19 - ASTM B117-19 - iTeh Standards

This international standard covers the apparatus, procedure, and conditions for creating and maintaining a corrosive environment for testing metals and coated metals. It does not prescribe the type of test specimens, exposure periods, or interpretation of results.

ASTM B117 Standards - Ascott Analytical | Standards | Ascott Analytical ...

ASTM B117 is an excellent reference document for the salt spray practitioner, with many helpful hints and tips contained in its useful appendixes. It is also regularly updated, by an active and broad based ASTM sub-committee, so it is a standard that is continuously evolving. The suffix to the main standard number indicates the year of publication.

Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus

3.3 The reproducibility of results in the salt spray exposure is highly dependent on the type of specimens tested and the evaluation criteria selected, as well as the control of the operating variables. In any testing program, sufficient replicates should be included to establish the variability of the results. Variability has been observed when similar specimens are tested in different fog ...

PDF ASTM B117: Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus

This web page is an archived copy of a document that incorporates ASTM B117 by reference as a legally binding standard in the United States. ASTM B117 specifies the design, operation and performance of salt spray (fog) apparatus for testing corrosion resistance of metals.

PDF ASTM B117-97 - ASTM B117-97 - iTeh Standards

This document describes the apparatus, procedure, and conditions for creating and maintaining a salt spray (fog) test environment for corrosion resistance testing of metals and coated metals. It does not provide the PDF file for download, but only the web page content and a list of referenced documents.

ASTM B117-19 - Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus

This standard covers the apparatus, procedure, and conditions for creating and maintaining the salt spray (fog) test environment. It does not prescribe the type of test specimen, exposure periods, or interpretation of results.

ASTM International - ASTM B117-19 - Standard Practice for Operating ...

ASTM B117-19 November 1, 2019 Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus 1.1 This practice covers the apparatus, procedure, and conditions required to create and maintain the salt spray (fog) test environment. Suitable apparatus which may be used is described in Appendix...

ASTM B117 Standard Practice for Operating Salt ... - ASTM International

Learn how to operate salt spray (fog) apparatus according to ASTM B117 standard. This course covers the apparatus, procedure, conditions, and reporting requirements for testing corrosion resistance of metals.

ASTM B117 Salt Fog Testing - Element

Learn about the benefits, outcomes, conditions, and requirements of ASTM B117 Salt Fog Testing, a standard for verifying corrosion resistance of metals and coatings. Find answers to common questions and contact Element's corrosion testing experts for more information.

PDF Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus1

Download the PDF file of ASTM B117-11, a standard practice for operating salt spray (fog) apparatus to create and maintain a corrosive environment for testing metals and coated metals. The file contains the scope, significance, apparatus, test specimens, procedure, and conditions of this standard.
