
barge in


BARGE IN | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

Learn the meaning and usage of the phrasal verb barge in, which can mean to walk into a room without invitation, to interrupt rudely, or to join a conversation. See translations, synonyms, and related words.

Barge in - Idioms by The Free Dictionary

Learn the meaning and usage of the phrase "barge in", which means to interrupt or intrude rudely or abruptly. Find examples, synonyms, and related expressions from various sources.

BARGE (IN) Synonyms: 59 Similar and Opposite Words - Merriam-Webster

Find 59 words that mean the same or similar to barge (in), a verb that means to enter a place or situation suddenly or rudely. See definitions, examples, and antonyms of barge (in) and related words.

BARGE IN definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

Learn the meaning and usage of the phrasal verb barge in, which means to rudely interrupt someone. See sentences from Collins COBUILD and Wikipedia with barge in.

Barge in on Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Learn the meaning and usage of the phrasal verb barge in on, which means to suddenly and rudely interrupt or disturb something or someone. See example sentences from recent sources and related words.

Barge in - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com

enter uninvited; informal. interrupt a dancing couple in order to take one of them as one's own partner

barge in phrasal verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage ...

Definition of barge in phrasal verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

Barge in - definition of barge in by The Free Dictionary

Learn the meaning and usage of the phrase "barge in", which means to enter uninvited or interrupt a conversation. Find synonyms, antonyms, translations and examples of barge in.

BARGE IN Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com

Learn the meaning and usage of the idiom barge in, which means to enter rudely or abruptly, or to interrupt. Find synonyms, related phrases, and a quiz on this term.

barge in - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

Learn the meaning, pronunciation and usage of the phrasal verb barge in, which means to intrude or interrupt suddenly and without invitation. See examples, translations and anagrams of barge in.
