box与case的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 一、指代不同. 1、box:盒,箱,匣。 2、case:容器,箱,盒。 二、用法不同. 1、box:box的基本意思是"盒,匣,箱",多指由木板、皮子、纸、铁皮等制成供装东西用的方形器具,有盖儿,是可数名词。
box, cartonA box can hold items. It can have a lid but not all of the time. Usually used as a storage device. "Move that box of toys over there." Cartons usually have a drink or food inside. "Pass me the carton of milk." The word case has many meanings but in this sense it can hold drinks in it or other items. "did you buy a case of drinks?"的同义词
box, carton的同義字A box can hold items. It can have a lid but not all of the time. Usually used as a storage device. "Move that box of toys over there." Cartons usually have a drink or food inside. "Pass me the carton of milk." The word case has many meanings but in this sense it can hold drinks in it or other items. "did you buy a case of drinks?"
case的同義字A case is a type of box. A case is specifically made to hold an item. A case for your glasses, a case for a watch, a case for a necklace. "My diamond earrings came in a beautiful case." "I broke the case for my ear buds." "I want to buy a new case for my phone."| I would say Case is a more protective safer material to hold valuable things like devices or instruments etc.
现在大部份的box 都是硬纸皮造的啊! box 是泛指所有盒子,一般是比较简单. case 是指箱子,较复杂 大多有扣,锁之类,如 brief case 公事包, suit case 旅行箱 解析看不懂?
box/case则是较通用的表示方法 case :箱,盒,柜、(文件)夹子 box 是最常用:箱;盒;匣 并可引申指箱(或盒、匣)状物(象电视机、包房、小屋/棚 ...
caseA case is a type of box. A case is specifically made to hold an item. A case for your glasses, a case for a watch, a case for a necklace. "My diamond earrings came in a beautiful case." "I broke the case for my ear buds." "I want to buy a new case for my phone."| I would say Case is a more protective safer material to hold valuable things like devices or instruments etc. 的同义词
"Box" 通常指的是一个较为方正、有盖子的容器,它可以用来存放、保护或运输物品。这种箱子可以是纸板做的、木制的、塑料的或是金属的,具体取决于其用途和需要承受的重量或压力。 "Box" 在日常生活中非常常见,比如快递箱、礼品盒、工具箱、鞋盒等。
不仅可以和更多的同学一起学习,而且还有老师、助教随时的学习指导和知识点解答哦。 同学好, box的基本意思是"盒,匣,箱",多指由木板、皮子、纸、铁皮等制成供装东西用的方形器具,有盖儿,是可数名词。