'Chaunsa' mango (sliced) Chaunsa (Urdu: چونسا ; Bhojpuri: चउसा Hindi: चौंसा), also known as chausa, is a mango cultivar indigenous to South Asia.It is grown mainly in India and Pakistan; both countries export significant quantities of the fruit. [1] [2]The variety got its name chausa when , Sher Shah Suri ate it after defeating Humayun, at the battle of Chausa, nearby ...
芒果的每一个品种都有其独特的形状、颜色、大小、味道、纤维含量和味道。乔恩萨芒果(Chaunsa)主要生长在旁遮普省南部的拉希姆·亚尔汗(Rahim Yar Khan)地区和木尔坦(Multan)地区。乔恩萨芒果口感好,糖分高,肉质柔软,纤维少。
Chaunsa is a highly prized mango variety originating from Pakistan, known for its luscious sweetness, rich flavor, and melting texture. It is one of the most popular and sought-after mango types, both domestically and in international markets. ... Export: Chaunsa mangoes have gained immense popularity in international markets and are exported ...
Make Chaunsa mango jam or preserve to spread on toast or use as a topping for pancakes or waffles. Chaunsa Mango vs. Other Mango Varieties. Chaunsa mango is widely regarded as the king of mangoes in Pakistan. There are several other popular mango varieties around the world, each with its own unique flavor and texture.
Summer in Pakistan signals mango season, a time when the country, ranked among the top global mango producers, proudly presents its prized Chaunsa variety. Known for its rich aroma, sweet flavor, and juicy pulp, Chaunsa mangoes—also known as Chausa—are native to Multan and Rahim Yar Khan. ... Varieties such as White Chaunsa, known for its ...
Sufaid Chaunsa, also known as White Chaunsa, is a distinctive variety of mangoes originating from Pakistan. Renowned for its creamy-white flesh, delightful sweetness, and rich aroma, Sufaid Chaunsa mangoes are cherished by mango connoisseurs. ... Yield: A well-maintained Sufaid Chaunsa mango tree can yield a substantial quantity of mangoes ...
芒果在巴基斯坦有"水果之王"的美誉,该国的土壤和气候条件适宜高品质的芒果生长,供应期长达5-6个月(芒果盛产期是每年的6月)巴基斯坦芒果的颜色、香味、口感以及营养价值在国 ... Chaunsa Mango. Chaunsa是晚熟品种中的精品。 ...
Chaunsa. Chaunsa Mango is originally from Rahim Yar Khan and Multan. It is one of the most demanding verities of mangoes from Pakistan. Chaunsa Mango has is light yellow in color and has a thick stone and flesh. Chaunsa is the first choice of every mango lover because of its rich aroma, sweet taste, juicy pulp and high nutritious contents. ...
There is a growing demand for mango pulp, not just locally but worldwide for drinks and juices, especially Pakistan's Chaunsa variety. In Pakistan, most mango orchards are owned by small growers who do not possess adequate knowledge of modern techniques for cutting, pruning, insecticides and fertilizer application, and management practices.
Chaunsa is a variety of mango grown in different parts of the world, but originally from Rahim Yar Khan and Multan in Punjab, Pakistan.Western districts of Uttar Pradesh Moradabad, Bijnore, Meerut and Muzaffarnagar are largest producers of Chaunsa Mangos. It is widely regarded as the best tasting mango and is heavily imported to Middle East, Europe and other parts of the world.