


Cygnus (constellation) - Wikipedia

Cygnus is a northern constellation named after the Latinized Greek word for swan. It contains the bright star Deneb, the Northern Cross asterism, and several notable X-ray sources and stellar associations.

Cygnus Constellation (the Swan): Stars, Myth, Facts, Location ...

Learn about Cygnus, the Swan constellation in the northern sky, and its association with Greek and Chinese myths. Find out its brightest stars, notable objects, and how to locate it in the night sky.

The Constellation Cygnus | Facts, Location, Photos and Mythology

Learn about the Cygnus constellation, a large and easy-to-spot pattern of stars in the northern sky that resembles a swan. Discover its brightest stars, deep-sky objects, and mythical origins from Greek and Chinese legends.

Host Cell Protein Research Products & More | Cygnus

Cygnus Technologies offers products and services for host cell protein (HCP) and other impurity analysis from early process development to commercial product lot release. Find ELISA kits, antibodies, host cell DNA detection kits, viral clearance kits, and more.

Cygnus Constellation - Key Facts, Star Map, & Mythology - Astronomy Trek

Cygnus is a northern constellation shaped like a swan, with the bright star Deneb marking its tail. Learn about its history, location, notable stars, deep sky objects, and meteor showers in this comprehensive guide.

Cygnus Constellation - Features And Facts - The Planets

Learn about the history, mythology, location and stars of Cygnus, the Swan constellation in the northern hemisphere. Discover its brightest stars, such as Deneb, Sadr and Albireo, and its association with the Summer Triangle and the Northern Cross.

Cygnus | Bright Star, Northern Cross, Milky Way | Britannica

Cygnus is a northern constellation that contains the Summer Triangle and the first black hole discovered. Learn about its history, location, features, and mythological origin from Britannica.

Cygnus the Swan flies along the Milky Way - EarthSky

Learn about Cygnus the Swan, a summer constellation that contains the bright star Deneb and the double star Albireo. Discover its mythology, stars, clusters and nebulae in this guide.

Cygnus Constellation Mythology and History - Stellar Discovery

Learn about the origins and stories of Cygnus, the Swan or the Northern Cross, one of the most recognisable constellations in the night sky. Discover how Cygnus was depicted as a swan in ancient Egypt, Greece and modern astronomy, and what stars and objects it contains.

Cygnus - Wikipedia

Cygnus is the Latin word for swan and has various meanings in astronomy, business, mythology and more. Find out the different uses and references of Cygnus in this disambiguation page.
