


Draba - Wikipedia

Draba is a genus of over 400 species of flowering plants in the family Brassicaceae, commonly known as whitlow-grasses. Learn about their scientific classification, synonyms, distribution, and characteristics.

Draba Plant Growing & Care Guide for Gardeners

Learn how to grow Draba plants, also known as Whitlow grass, in your garden, indoor spaces, or rock gardens. Find out their characteristics, requirements, propagation, and common questions.

Whitlow grass | Alpine, Arctic & Subarctic | Britannica

whitlow grass, (genus Draba), genus of more than 300 species of plants in the mustard family (Brassicaceae).They are distributed primarily throughout the New World, especially in the northern temperate region and mountainous areas, though some species (formerly of the genus Erophila) are native to Europe.Whitlow grasses usually bloom in the spring and bear small white or yellow flowers with ...

Botany A to Z: Draba - Colorado Natural Heritage Program

Learn about Draba, a large genus of plants in the Mustard family, with many species in North America and high elevation habitats. Find out their common names, characteristics, reproductive methods, and endemic status in Colorado.

Draba verna - Wikipedia

Draba verna is a small annual plant in the cabbage family, native to Europe, Asia and Africa. It has white, bifid flowers, hairy leaves and stems, and seeds that split open to reveal a transparent membrane.

Draba lactea - Wikipedia

Draba lactea, the Lapland whitlow-grass or milky whitlow-grass, is a flower common throughout the high Arctic. It stretches further south in mountainous areas of Norway, Montana, Canada, and Greenland. [1] [2] [3] The plant is 2-5 cm tall, and caespitose. The flower stems are glabrous.

Whitlow grass - Draba verna L. - Plant & Pest Diagnostics

Draba verna L. Brassicaceae family (Mustard family) MI Status. Non-native . Life Cycle. Annual. Leaves . Leaves are arranged in a small rosette. They are oblong, hairy, and smooth along the edges. Leaves may have 1 or 2 teeth per side and are blunt to pointed at the tip. Stems ...

Draba - FNA

Draba is a large and complex genus of annual, biennial, or perennial plants in the mustard family, native to all continents except Australia and Antarctica. It has ca. 380 species, mostly in western North America, subarctic regions, Himalaya, and high Andes, and shows much hybridization, polyploidy, and apomixis.

Draba rigida var. bryoides - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden

Learn about draba, a compact, evergreen perennial with yellow flowers in the mustard family. Find out its native range, zone, culture, problems and uses.

PDF Draba grayana (Rydb.) C.L. Hitchcock (Gray's draba): A Technical ...

Draba grayana is a rare mustard species that is endemic to the Rocky Mountains of central Colorado. It is restricted to elevations above 3,500 m. Relative to other areas where it has been observed, it appears to remain most abundant in the Gray's Peak area where it was originally found. Unfortunately, recreation activities and mountain
