


Edom - Wikipedia

Edom was a kingdom that flourished from the 13th to the 8th century BC in the south of present-day Jordan and Israel. It was destroyed by the Babylonians in the 6th century BC and its people were assimilated into Judaism or Nabatean culture.

What is the significance of Edom in the Bible?

Because of Edom's sin in raiding Judah and taking delight in Israel's fall during the Babylonian Captivity, the Lord pronounced judgment on Edom (Jeremiah 49:7-22). God declared that Edom would be a wasteland, occupied only by wild animals (Malachi 1:2-5).

Edom and the Edomites: Bible Story and Symbolism - Christianity

Learn about Edom, the biblical empire related to Esau and his offspring, and its history, genealogy and symbolism. Find out how Edom is mentioned in the Old Testament and what it represents in Christian theology.

Kingdom of Edom, Biblical Land, Jordan Valley - Britannica

Edom, ancient land bordering ancient Israel, in what is now southwestern Jordan, between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba.The Edomites probably occupied the area about the 13th century bce.Though closely related to the Israelites (according to the Bible, they were descendants of Esau), they had frequent conflicts with them and were probably subject to them at the time of the Israelite ...

Who/what is Edom (Obadiah 1:1, 8)? - GotQuestions.org

Edom was a nation that descended from Esau, Jacob's twin brother, and lived south of Judah. The prophet Obadiah condemned Edom for rejoicing over Jerusalem's destruction and predicted its complete annihilation.

Edom - Jewish Virtual Library

Edom was a land in the south of eastern Transjordan, the southeastern neighbor of Palestine. It was the homeland of Esau, the twin brother of Jacob-Israel, and had various names and borders in different periods.

What is the historical and geographical significance of Edom in the ...

Edom's prominence began to wane following conquests by powerful empires. By the time of the Babylonian Exile, Edom had suffered significant territorial losses, severely diminishing its influence. This decline manifested in the later dismissal of the Edomites as a powerful force in the region, which contributed to the eventual assimilation of ...

Edom - Encyclopedia of The Bible - Bible Gateway

Edom was the name of Esau, his descendants, and their land. Learn about the history, geography, and culture of Edom from the Bible and archeology.

The Land of Edom - Bible Hub

Edom's history continued beyond the biblical narrative. During the time of the Maccabees, the region was known as Idumea. The Idumeans were forcibly converted to Judaism by John Hyrcanus in the 2nd century BC. Herod the Great, the king of Judea at the time of Jesus' birth, was of Idumean descent, illustrating the lasting influence of Edom in ...

Exploring Edom: A Comprehensive Guide to Its History and Culture

Edom was an ancient kingdom in Transjordan, descended from Esau, the twin brother of Jacob (Israel). Learn about its geography, events, figures, and biblical references in this comprehensive guide.
