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Learn the meaning of enact as a verb, with synonyms, examples, and word history. Enact can mean to make into law, to act out, or to constitute.
Learn the meaning of enact as a verb in English, with examples of how to use it in different contexts. Find out how to say enact in other languages, such as Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese.
Enact means to make a law or a rule official, or to perform a story or a play. Learn how to use this verb in different contexts and languages with Cambridge dictionaries.
3 meanings: 1. to make into an act or statute 2. to establish by law; ordain or decree 3. to represent or perform in or as if.... Click for more definitions.
Enact means to make into law or to act out in a play. Learn the pronunciation, synonyms, translations and usage of enact from various sources.
Learn the meaning and usage of the word "enact" in English, with synonyms, pronunciation, grammar tips, and example sentences. Find out how to say "enact" in different languages and contexts.
Enact means to make something into a law or to perform a story or play. Learn how to use this verb in different contexts and languages with Cambridge Learner's Dictionary.
We will enact [=act out] parts of three plays. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. 2 : to make (a bill or other legislation) officially become part of the law. Congress will enact legislation related to that issue. The law was finally enacted today.
You often hear that Congress is going to enact a new statute, which means that they will make it into a law. But enact also means to perform, like in a play. (Makes you wonder if the lawmakers are actors!)