Foregoing means being before or occurring before something else, especially a statement. Learn how to use foregoing in a sentence, see synonyms and examples, and explore its word history and related phrases.
Forego is a verb that means to go before or precede, or to give up or do without something. Learn the synonyms, examples, word history, and related articles of forego and its variant form forgo.
Foregoing means involving or referring to what has just been mentioned or described. It can be used as an adjective or a noun. See how to use it in sentences and translations.
Foregoing can be an adjective meaning as in previous or a verb meaning to go before in time or order. Find synonyms, antonyms, examples, and related words for foregoing in this online thesaurus.
Foregoing definition: . See examples of FOREGOING used in a sentence.
especially of writing or speech; going before. DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word 'foregoing'.Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors. Send us feedback
The foregoing is a description of the proposed plan. The foregoing are the factors that will play a major role in this election. opposite following; See foregoing in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary See foregoing in the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English. Check pronunciation: ...
Foregoing is a pronoun or an adjective that means what has just been stated or mentioned. Learn how to use it in formal writing or speech, and see synonyms and related terms.
Foregoing is an adjective meaning previously said, written, or encountered just before; or a verb meaning to forgo or renounce something. Learn more about its synonyms, antonyms, idioms, and usage examples.
FOREGOING meaning: 1. involving what has just been mentioned or described: 2. what has just been mentioned or…. Learn more.