


Evolution of microstructures and properties of the GH4169 superalloy ...

The GH4169 turbine disk is usually operated in the temperature range between 200 and 650 °C but the actual temperature may be higher than this. In this work, by considering that the dissolution temperatures of the γ″ phase, γ′ phase, and δ phase are about 623 °C, 902 °C and 1007 °C, respectively, as predicted by JMatPro thermodynamic ...

Progress in the Research and Manufacture of GH4169 Alloy

GH4169 alloy is a nickel-based superalloy widely used in aircraft engine components. This article reviews the advances in alloy modification, melting process optimization, and hot deformation technology of GH4169 alloy over the past 30 years.

Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of Inconel GH4169 ...

The GH4169 superalloy (US Inconel 718) is a precipitation strengthened nickel-based superalloy containing the matrix γ phase as well as strengthening phases of the metastable body-centered tetragonal γ″(Ni 3 Nb) precipitates and face-centered cubic coherent γ′[Ni 3 (Al,Ti)] precipitates [1], [2], [3].Due to its high temperature oxidation resistance, high strength and corrosion ...

Wear characteristics of GH4169 superalloy at elevated temperatures

Nickel-based superalloy GH4169 has gained significant prominence in aerospace and power-generation sectors due to its exceptional resistance to fatigue, creep and corrosion at high temperatures. However, wear on the contact surface remains a concern during its operational lifespan, as it can lead to crack initiation and reduce the service life of the alloy. Therefore, this study aims to ...

Microstructural Evolution of Wrought-Nickel-Based Superalloy GH4169 - MDPI

This article investigates the microstructural evolution of GH4169, a deformable and age-hardenable nickel-based superalloy, from ingot to finished product. It uses different etchants and methods to observe and analyze the precipitates, morphologies, distributions, and interactions of multiple phases, and the dendrite segregation and dynamic recrystallization behaviors.

GH4169 - chyalloy.com

GH4169 is a Fe-Ni-Cr-based precipitation hardening deformation superalloy. The long-term use temperature range is -253~650℃, and the short-term use temperature is 800℃. It has high strength, good toughness and good toughness in high and low temperature environments under 650℃. It is resistant to oxidation and corrosion.

Introduction on Research and Application of Nickel Base Superalloy GH4169

GH4169 alloy is a precipitation strengthened nickel base superalloy, which has been widely used in aeroengine, petroleum, nuclear industry and other fields. The phase composition, three common heat treatments as well as the application prospect were elaborated. At last, the service temperature range and application area of GH4169 alloy was ...

(PDF) Mechanical Properties of GH4169 superalloy ... - ResearchGate

PDF | On Nov 7, 2019, Guohui Zhang and others published Mechanical Properties of GH4169 superalloy Prepared by Selective Laser Melting | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

Data-driven constitutive model of GH4169 alloy within a synergistic ...

The article presents the dynamic compression experiments and constitutive models of GH4169 alloy at high strain rates and elevated temperatures. It compares the accuracy of the improved artificial neural network (IANN) model and the Johnson-Cook (J-C) model, and introduces a visual operation interface for the IANN model.

Crack initiation mechanisms and life prediction of GH4169 superalloy in ...

This article investigates the crack initiation mechanisms and life prediction of GH4169 superalloy in the high cycle and very high cycle fatigue regime. It proposes a modified FIP fatigue life prediction model based on the microstructure of crystallographic facets and the stress intensity factor.
