go ahead
Learn the meaning and usage of the phrasal verb go ahead, the noun go-ahead, and the adjective go-ahead in English. Find out how to express permission, enthusiasm, or winning with these words and phrases.
The meaning of GO-AHEAD is marked by energy and enterprise : progressive. How to use go-ahead in a sentence. marked by energy and enterprise : progressive; indicating that one may proceed; being a score that gives a team the lead in a game… See the full definition. Games; Word of the Day; Grammar; Wordplay; New Slang; Rhymes ...
Learn the meaning and usage of the phrase go ahead in British and American English. Find out the synonyms, collocations, grammar, and translations of go ahead in different languages.
• At this point management gives you the go-ahead on the project and you start work. go-ahead go-ahead 2 adjective [only before noun] British English MODERN using new methods or ideas and therefore likely to succeed a go-ahead company Examples from the Corpus go-ahead • Against Oregon five days later, he made the go-ahead basket, grabbed a ...
Learn the meaning and usage of the phrasal verb go ahead, which can mean to start something or to give permission. See translations in different languages and examples of how to use it in sentences.
Learn the meaning and usage of the phrasal verb go ahead and its noun and adjective forms. Find out how to pronounce it, collocate it, and translate it into other languages.
Learn the meaning and usage of the phrase "go ahead" in different contexts and situations. Find out how to express permission, continuation, movement, or urgency with this common expression.
Learn the meaning, usage and pronunciation of the phrase "go ahead" in English. Find out the synonyms, antonyms, related words and translations of "go ahead" in different languages.
「go ahead」は英語でよく使われる表現の一つで、日本語では文脈に応じて「どうぞ」「進める」「先に行く」「続行する」などと訳されます。 シンプルながらも様々な状況で使える便利なフレーズですが、状況によって微妙にニュアンスが変わるため、正
Learn the meaning and usage of the phrasal verb go ahead and the noun go-ahead in British and American English. Find out how to pronounce, collocate, and translate them with Collins Dictionary.