
got you



或者是去打球时你打了一个吊球别人没接到, 你也可以兴奋地大叫 “Got you.” 顺带一提, 一般的人不会念成 “Got you.”, 他们会说成 “Gotcha!” 8. get表示“接通” 这个可能我们中国...

There For You歌词翻译 There For You中英文歌词

I got you 《超凡蜘蛛侠2》最心碎一幕。 格温·史黛西从高处坠落,尽管彼得用尽全力,她还是在他的怀中离去了…… 同样情形。 变成《英雄无归》情怀浓度最高的一幕—— MJ从高处落下,小蜘蛛想要冲下去救他,却被绿魔阻拦。 又是加菲。


我会在那儿陪伴着你 When you're screaming, but they only hear you whisper 每当你竭力嘶吼 却无人理会 I'll be loud for you 我会替你大声呼喊 I'll be loud for you 为了你声嘶力竭 I got you, I promise 我保证 我会...

Despicable Me《神偷奶爸》电影精讲

1.Alicia Keys —— If I Ain't Got You Alicia Keys在第44届格莱美颁奖礼上凭借她的处女专辑《Songs In A Minor》获得四个大奖,风头一时无人能及,这也让作为新人的Alicia Keys倍感压力...


11.Got you in our sights! 这下你跑不掉了! 12. The dentist thing ismore ofa hobby. 牙医只是我的副业。 13. I thinkI can live with that. 我不会介意的。 14. But try not totoss ...

Gloves came off?

Miranda: Who needs a husband when I've got you? Mrs Doubtfire: Surely you don't mean that, dear? Miranda: Well... Mrs Doubtfire: Oh, that's so sweet! Miranda: You can't ima...


“The gloves are off. Speaking of gloves, I got you a pair for your birthday. You're a child’s medium, right?” “I’ve got a travel tip for you. When you’re going through customs and they ask if you’...
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