



《here u are》作者:D君 阳光学长受×高冷学弟攻 虞扬,身高175,美术系大二学生,中学时出柜。 黎焕,身高:196cm,设计系大一新生。 虞扬,谈过两次恋爱,高中的时候谈过一次,不过对方是个直...


或许此时你尚酣睡,但有一些人才刚刚结束一天的工作。 Do you agree that your parents have a second? Different students have different opinions about it. I am very happy to know...

TED学院 | 培养成功的孩子,从不过度干预开始|大学|童年|幸福|父母...

地址:北京市朝阳区通惠河北路郎家园6号院郎园Vintage园区2号楼OurTimesHere空间 购票说明 69元 本场为付费沙龙,购买沙龙门票即可进入沙龙区,无需购买书市入场票。入场后自行选择座位。...


And here's what the check listed childhood looks like. We keep them safe and sound and fed and watered, and then we want to be sure they go to the right schools, that they'...

语法干货- 人称代词 Gender Pronouns

他举出诺基亚Here导航地图服务做例子,这款服务也被称为Navteq,在导航应用中广受欢迎。数据显示,五辆行驶中的汽车就有四辆使用Here导航服务。 “而一旦进入谷歌的生态系统,用户就要求必须应用谷歌地图功能,这必然会吞噬掉我们的Navteq资产”...

如何用谷歌表格备考 How to Study for Exams with Google Sheets

"They are here." If they're the object, "I see them." Okay? And then "They came in their car", possessive. So, that's those. So, that's third-person plural. And then just ...


If you're new here, my name is Ali. 如果你刚来,我叫阿里。 I'm a junior doctor working in Cambridge. 我是在剑桥工作的初级医生。 And in this video I want to talk about how I ...


03.Please come earlier next time. 下次请早点到。 04.Class begins. 上课。 05.Who's on duty today? 今天谁值日? 06.Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗? 07.Who's absent today? 今天谁没来?
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