


in my time 中文是什么意思 - 查查在线翻译

"on my time" 中文翻译: 自己支配时间 "been spending my time" 中文翻译: 花费着我的时间 "did my time" 中文翻译: 我的时光 "for the first time in my life" 中文翻译: 在我生命里的第一次; 在我生命里第一次 "in my free time" 中文翻译: 业余生活等 "it was my time to sink or swim" 中文翻译: 这正是我沉浮的时候

in my time - WordReference.com 英汉词典

主要翻译: 英语: 中文: time n (concept) SC Simplified Chinese 时间,光阴 shí jiān ,guāng yīn TC Traditional Chinese 時間 (常作 times)SC Simplified Chinese 时代,年代 shí dài,nián dài TC Traditional Chinese 時代,年代: Time passes quickly when you are older. 年龄越长,时间就流逝得越快。 ⓘ 这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。

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In my time-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context

使用Reverso Context: first time in my life, in my spare time, in my free time,在英语-中文情境中翻译"In my time"

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"my time"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative

my timeI'm not sure what these sentences mean. They don't really explain the situation ——> "I haven't played it yet, but I found it to be good. My time." What haven't you played yet the name of the game would be helpful? And "my time" doesn't make sense here. "My time" - can refer to someone's time zone For example: "I will have an English lesson at 3 pm my time ...

in' my time-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context

Designed just in time for Halloween, the shed - ZFC1 for short - has not yet had any buyers, but that hasn't stopped it attracting a wide range of reviews on its manufacturer's website.One, Shaun of the Dead, called it the 'Winchester of Log Cabins' adding: 'In my time I've had little respect as an electronics shop employee, with no real direction in life.

In My Time - Idioms by The Free Dictionary

in (one's) day When one was younger; in one's younger days. In my grandparents' day, planning a wedding wasn't such a colossal ordeal. Back in my day, the only thing we had to do for fun was stickball, and we were grateful for it! In my day, school was actually affordable. Now, high school can cost tens of thousands of dollars—a year! in (one's) time ...

On time 和 in time "按时" 还是 "及时"? - Chinadaily.com.cn

搭配 "on time" 和 "in time" 都可以用来描述事情发生的时间与日程、安排之间的联系。它们当中一个表示 "按时",另一个则表示 "及时" —— 你能分清吗?

"I did my time"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative

I did my timeIt means that you served your time of punishment. If you made a mistake, it means that you made up for it.|@Lananhh07 Specifically it refers to having been in prison and then released. It's an old idiom 的定义
