Shikimi (しきみ), also known as keeggy, is a professional illustrator from Tokyo who has collaborated with many producers.
Philip Tyler Keaggy (born March 23, 1951) is an American acoustic and electric guitarist and vocalist who has released more than 55 albums and contributed to many more recordings in both the contemporary Christian music and mainstream markets. He is a seven-time recipient of the GMA Dove Award for Instrumental Album of the Year, and was twice nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Rock Gospel ...
Phil Keaggyteamkegworth@gmail.com
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『悪魔 乙女の本棚作品集』 表紙Jun 17, 2022
1,791 Followers, 126 Following, 44 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from KEEGGY-SMALLZ (@keeggy_smallz)
『カトラリー』25時、ナイトコードで。 × 初音ミク 2DMVイラスト
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keeggy昵称しきみ(shikimi),keeggy为其个人主页名称 日本东京人气插画家,pixiv上的常驻画师 生于1989年5月26日,他早在中学时期就已才华横溢。
東方スタンプこんな感じになる予定です 5:58 AM - 23 May 2018 259 Retweets 1,014 Likes 1 reply 259 retweets 1,014 likes 1 259 1.0K はるあ @say_halua 23 May 2018 Replying to @keeggy