


Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences | King's ...

LEV00 is a package of utilities for modifying, visualizing and analysing periodic systems using DFT codes such as CASTEP, CETEP, VASP, SIESTA, QUICKSTEP and Quantum Espresso. It can perform geometry optimizations, phonons calculations, DOS, charge densities, surface states and more.

GitHub - hornos/lev00: L. N. Kantorovich, User-friendly visualisation ...

lev00 ^^^^^ 19.09.2003 Version 2.0 ^^^^^ (1) some small bugs corrected. (2) Added support for SIESTA (with some help from Adam Foster): - lev00 can now fully support charge and spin density options - due to a problem in setting users k-points to SIESTA, there is still no support for DOS and PDOS.

PDF LEV00 TETR user-friendly packages for DFT codes VASP SIESTA - NDSU

The main codes tetr and lev00, as well as some others, have a special tex-based interface (Text User Interface, TUI) that reminds menus. All menus work in a very simple and straightforward fashion: every menu item has either a number or a symbol. At each point in time you see on the screen the whole menu.


Contents Contents. LEV00 & TETR: user-friendly packages for DFT codes VASP/SIESTA/CASTEP. L. N. Kantorovich . This is a documentation for a package of utilities which have been written (initially at Keele and then continued in London at UCL and KCL) as pre- and post-processing tools for DFT codes working with periodic boundary conditions.

Installation and general information - kcl.ac.uk

The compilation of lev00 is performed by calling the script lev00.comp from your working directory (where is your VASP or SIESTA job resides). What is needed is the file param.inc file containing the parameters of your system: NGX,NGY,NGZ - the grid for the electron density files NSPEC - number of species

GitHub - gpsgibb/tetr_lev00_Chimera_plugin: A UCSF Chimera plugin for ...

Lev00 is an interactive menu-driven program for post-processing results from DFT codes, and produces cube files of the charge, spin total and partial densities. These can be visualised with Chimera. More information on Tetr and Lev00 can be found at: ...

NDSU Electric Materials and Nanotechnology Lab - NDSU - North Dakota ...

LEV00 & TETR: - Introduction: Tutorials for LEV00 and TTETR . LEV00 & TETR User Manual - Download: LEV00-Master ...

vasp-Lev00 compilation - Programmer Sought

LEV00 - a useful tool for various DFT codes (VASP, SIESTA, CASTEP, QUICKSTEP) Although Lev00 has many different functions, we generally only use it to deal with the charge density to generate scientific drawings that are easier to understand.

What it can do - nms.kcl.ac.uk

Installation and general information Up: Utility lev00 Previous: Utility lev00 Contents What it can do. lev00 is an interactive menu-driven (and quite intelligent!) program with quite a few applications. It implements the Tex User Interface (TUI) similar to that of tetr (Sections 1.2 and 2.3).It has a rich functionality, e.g.:

PDF Input/output CP2K/VASP/SIESTA tools

LEV00 - analyse the output files (post-processor) • Read/write in/from different formats • Modifications of input files • Bulk => surface • Vibrations • Comparisons of geometries • Cut out a cluster (e.g. a tip) from bulk • Merge geometries • BSSE (siesta, cp2k)
