destiny, fate, lot, doom, luck, fortune. 这些名词均有"命运,运气"之意。 destiny : 普通用词,侧重预先注定的命运,对未来命运的美好憧憬。; fate : 较庄严用词,多指不幸的命运,暗示不可避免,令人畏惧和人的意志无法改变,宿命论色彩较浓。; lot : 多指偶然的运气或终身遭受的不幸命运。
luck翻译:运气;(尤指)机遇,机会, 成功。了解更多。
luck是什么意思,luck怎么读,luck英译汉:n. 运气, 幸运, 好运, 侥幸vi. 靠好运成功相关词组: be down on one's luck for luck be in luck be out...,luck中英例句,英汉词典。
luck [lʌk] n.运气, 幸运, 侥幸 v.侥幸成功, 走运 . 例句与用法: He came to Beijing to try his luck. 他来到北京,想碰碰运气。 He had wonderful luck in all his ventures. 他干任何事情运气都好。 You never know your luck. 你也许会走运的。 词形变化:
luck是什么意思. e.g. Rick seems to have had luck on his side during his 12-year acting career. 在12年的演艺生涯中,里克好像总有福星高照。 16. 试试运气;碰碰运气. If someone tries their luck at something, they try to succeed at it, often when it is very difficult or there is little chance of success. e.g.
luck luck: [15] The antecedents of luck are not at all clear. Its likeliest source is Low German luk.This is clearly a close relative of modern Dutch geluk, whose prefix ge- is found also in Middle High German gelücke (source of modern German glück 'good fortune, happiness').But where the element lu(c)k came from is not known. luck (n.) late 15c. from early Middle Dutch luc, shortening ...