The meaning of MOGUL is an Indian Muslim of or descended from one of several conquering groups of Mongol, Turkish, and Persian origin; especially : great mogul. How to use mogul in a sentence. Did you know?
Learn what a mogul is and how they become influential in business, politics, and philanthropy. Find out the names and stories of historical and contemporary moguls from various industries and sectors.
Learn the meaning of mogul as a person who is very rich or powerful, or as a small pile of hard snow for skiing. See examples of mogul in different contexts and languages.
Mogul skiing is a freestyle skiing competition on a steep, bumpy course with jumps and turns. Learn about the history, rules, scoring and techniques of this Olympic sport.
Learn the meaning of mogul as a person or a snow feature in skiing. Find out how to use mogul in a sentence and how to say it in different languages.
How to Ski Moguls. Maintain balance: Keep your hands in front of you, stay limber and focus on your pole plants. Choose an easy line: The easiest way down a mogul field is to make your turns on top of the bumps. Choose a fast line: For a speedier descent, you'll ski around the moguls rather than on top of them. Video: How to Ski Moguls
Learn how to ski moguls with these 7 essential tips, from keeping your eyes downhill to following the sun. Whether you love or hate moguls, you can improve your skills and have more fun on this challenging terrain.
moguls(used with a sing. or pl. verb) A skiing event held on such a course. [Alteration (probably influenced by mogul) of mid-20th century American skiers' jargon mugel, from Bavarian dialectal (Austria) Mugl, hillock; perhaps akin to Old English mūga, mow, haystack; see mow 1.]
Mogul is a word with multiple meanings, derived from Urdu muġal, muġul. It can refer to a ruler, a style of art, a plant, a card, a railway, and more.
Competition will begin on Tuesday with Moguls. Women's Qualifications start at 09:00 local time, then Men's Qualifications at 10:45. Finals start at 12:30. On Wednesday, preliminary rounds for Dual Moguls start at 10:25, before finals start from 12:30. For the final day of World Cup competition this season on Thursday, aerialists will be in ...