


选手“晋级” advance to the next round

China approved plans to reform ChiNext and pilot the registration-based IPO system on the second board. The plans were approved during the 13th meeting of the Central Commission for Comprehensively Deepening Reform on Monday...


在上面的报道中,advance to the next round就是指比赛中选手“晋级”。选手在最初参赛时,要通过第一关first/initial audition(海选),也就是要survive the first audition,闯关成功才可以advance to the next round / advance in the ...


really interested in Previously, if I had been really interested in a book, I would race from page to page, eager to know what came next.在这之前,如果我种草了一本书,我会...


The next goal wins the final! (两支球队在前五轮点球大战中都没有进球,我们进入“突然死亡法”!第一个进球得分的队伍将取得决赛的胜利!) Feifei 有关“比赛赛制、赛程” 在英语中的表达方式,我们就讲到这里。最后,我来回顾一下...


(公安局长) and villain(反派) of the show, played by veteran actor(老戏骨) Xu Yajun. He appears decent but turns out to be a sycophant( 阿谀奉承者), always thinking about his next move to advance his political ...


Taking a peek next at the most direct line of the generations that precede us, we have greats and grands: your grandparents' parents are your great-grandparents; their pare...
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