


Oceanus - Wikipedia

Oceanus was the eldest of the Titan offspring of Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth). [11] Hesiod lists his Titan siblings as Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Tethys, and Cronus. [12] Oceanus married his sister Tethys, and was by her the father of numerous sons, the river gods and numerous daughters, the ...

Oceanus - World History Encyclopedia

Oceanus (also Okeanos) was the eldest of the Titans and a son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth) in Greek mythology.He was the god and personification of the freshwater river Oceanus, which was thought to encircle the earth and was said to be the source of all living gods and creatures. However, in early mythology, Oceanus was often viewed as an element rather than a god.

Oceanus | Titan, River & God | Britannica

Oceanus, in Greek mythology, the river that flowed around the Earth (conceived as flat), for example, in the shield of Achilles described in Homer's Iliad, Book XVIII.Beyond it, to the west, were the sunless land of the Cimmerii, the country of dreams, and the entrance to the underworld. In Hesiod's Theogony, Oceanus was the oldest Titan, the son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth), the ...

Oceanus - Mythopedia

Etymology. The name "Oceanus" (Greek Ὠκεανός, translit. Ōkeanos) is identical to the Greek word ōkeanos, meaning "great sea or river," a reference to the body of water thought to encompass the world.The origins of the word are obscure, and possibly pre-Greek or even Semitic. The term may have been derived from the hypothetical Proto-Indo-European *ō-kei-m̥[h₁]no-, meaning ...

Oceanus | Greek Titan God of the Ocean | History and Origins - Olympioi

Learn about Oceanus, the oldest and most peaceful of the Titans, who personified the endless expanse of water in the universe. Discover his origins, family, domains, symbols, stories and depictions in art and pop culture.

Oceanus - Greek Mythology

Oceanus was a son of Gaea and Uranus, or a child of Chaos and Gaea, depending on the version. He married his sister Tethys and had many offspring, the Oceanids, who were the goddesses of the waters.

OCEANUS - Earth-Encircling River of Greek Mythology

Okeanos (Oceanus) was a fresh-water stream that surrounded the flat disc of the earth in ancient Greek cosmogony. It was the source of all rivers, clouds, and the sea, and the home of the Titan Okeanos, his wife Tethys, and their daughters, the Okeanides.

Who was Oceanus in Greek Mythology? Powers, Symbols and Myths

Oceanus married his sister, Tethys, the Titaness of fresh water. Together, they had an enormous family, including the Oceanids, thousands of water nymphs who represented the rivers, streams, and lakes of the world. Additionally, they were parents to various river gods, such as the deities of the Nile and the Ganges, solidifying Oceanus ...

Oceanus: The Titan God Of The Seas In Greek Mythology

Oceanus was married to his sister Thetis, with whom he had numerous children, called Oceanides. These were the minor gods and goddesses of the rivers, sea and springs. In fact, Oceanus and Thetis were so fertile that overproduction of the watery elements of nature would cause floods; therefore, they divorced to prevent this from happening.

Oceanus - A Legendary Early Greek Titan - Greek Gods and Goddesses

Oceanus was one of the earliest rulers of the Earth, according to Greek mythology. He controlled the world's first oceans and waterways, and married his sister Tethys. He had many children, some of whom became gods and goddesses of rivers, streams, and nymphs.
