oracle sql developer的安装过程和使用说明
Before you install SQL Developer, look at the remaining sections of this guide to see if you need to know or do anything else first. The steps for installing SQL Developer depend on whether or not you will be using it on a Windows system that does not have Java SDK (JDK) release 11 installed:
• Finding SQL Developer Accessibility Information • Using a Screen Reader and Java Access Bridge with SQL Developer • Uninstalling SQL Developer • SQL Developer Documentation • Oracle on the Web. 1.1 SQL Developer System Recommendations. This section describes the recommended minimum values for CPU, memory, display,
Installing and Starting SQL Developer 1-2 Oracle Database SQL Developer Installation Guide 1.2 Installing and Starting SQL Developer This section contains subsections with instructions for installing SQL Developer on all supported systems. Table 1-1 Recommendations for Windows Systems Resource Recommended Minimum Value
安装完成后,启动 Oracle SQL Developer。 使用指南. 首次启动 Oracle SQL Developer 时,可以选择添加数据库连接或直接跳过该步骤。 在左侧的"连接"栏中添加连接信息,包括用户名、密码、数据库类型和主机名。 连接成功后,可在 Oracle SQL Developer 中进行 SQL 编程和 ...
文章浏览阅读2.3w次,点赞21次,收藏123次。Oracle相当于一个服务端,想连接服务端就得需要一个客户端。Oracle提供了两种解决方案:方案一:Oracle自带了SQL* PLUS工具,可以使用它连接到Oracle。但是SQL* PLUS工具是一个命令行工具,使用非常不便,因为是命令行工具所以所有需要的命令都得自己背。
Oracle数据库环境下PL/SQL Developer安装与配置详解教程 在当今的数据库开发领域,Oracle数据库以其强大的功能和稳定性赢得了广泛的认可。而作为Oracle数据库开发的重要工具之一,PL/SQL Developer以其直观的界面和丰富的功能,成为了众多开发者的首选。 ...
5.2 步骤 Oracle SQL Developer是Oracle官方出品的免费图形化开发工具,相对SQL*Plus来说,图形化的界面便于操作,不必记忆大量的命令,输出结果美观。 它的基本功能包括结果的格式化输出,编辑器自动提示,代码美化,显示SQL的执行计划,监控会话,编写以及调试 ...
打开SQL工作表:工具-->SQL工作表 或者使用快捷键Alt+F10. 选择连接 . 2.连接Oracle数据库及其使用. 比如输入一个1 . 3 连接MySQL数据库及其使用. 完成之后,点击新建连接,里面就可以看到MySQL数据库了。需要连接其它数据库也是一样,添加jdbc驱动就可以了。 然后点击 ...
This guide provides information for those installing the Oracle SQL Developer tool on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X systems. Audience This guide is intended for those who need to install the Oracle SQL Developer tool. Documentation Accessibility Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
If Oracle Database (Release 11 or later) is also installed, a version of SQL Developer is also included and is accessible through the menu system under Oracle.This version of SQL Developer is separate from any SQL Developer kit that you download and unzip on your own, so do not confuse the two, and do not unzip a kit over the SQL Developer files that are included with Oracle Database.