


Pangaea - Wikipedia

Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed from 335 to 200 million years ago, before drifting apart into the present continents. Learn about the origin, evidence and formation of Pangaea, and its role in the theory of plate tectonics.

Pangea | Definition, Map, History, & Facts | Britannica

Pangea was a supercontinent that existed from 299 to 180 million years ago, before breaking up into the modern continents. Learn about its formation, breakup, effects on life and climate, and how it was discovered by Alfred Wegener.

Pangaea: Discover facts about Earth's ancient supercontinent

Learn about Pangaea, the ancient supercontinent that existed 320 to 195 million years ago and how it formed and broke up due to plate tectonics. Discover the evidence for Pangaea's existence from fossils, coal deposits, magnetic minerals and more.

What was Pangea? | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov

Learn how Pangea, a single continent that existed 300-200 million years ago, broke apart to form the Atlantic Ocean and the continents we know today. Explore the geology, volcanism, and plate tectonics behind this epic event.

What Is Pangea? - WorldAtlas

Pangea was a single supercontinent that broke apart over time due to plate tectonics. Learn about the formation, evidence and phases of Pangea and its evolution to the modern continents.

Pangea - WorldAtlas

Pangea was a supercontinent that existed about 336 million years ago and broke up into the present-day continents. Learn about the origin, formation, and breakup of Pangea, as well as the ancient supercontinents that preceded it.

History of the Supercontinent Pangea - ThoughtCo

Learn how Pangea, a single landmass that covered one-third of the Earth, was formed and broke up over millions of years. Explore the evidence for Pangea, such as continents fitting together, fossil distribution, rock patterns, and coal placement.

Spotting a Supercontinent: How Pangea Was Discovered

Learn how German meteorologist Alfred Wegener proposed the idea of Pangea and continental drift in 1912, based on the similarity of coastlines and fossils of South America and Africa. Find out how his theory was vindicated by later geological and paleontological evidence and how Pangea fits into the modern theory of plate tectonics.

Pangaea - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There were three major phases in the break-up of Pangaea. The first signs of rifting came in the Triassic before Pangaea was completely formed. [6]Pangaea broke up about 180/200 million years ago, in the early middle Jurassic.It broke into supercontinents Laurasia and Gondwana before each of these broke into the present continents. One rift resulted in a new ocean, the North Atlantic Ocean.

Supercontinent Pangea - U.S. National Park Service

Pangea began to break up toward the end of the Triassic, first along the boundary between North America and Africa. The original continental boundary wasn't exactly reproduced; instead, North America gained a chunk of land that today includes Florida and nearby parts of the southeastern United States. As the two continents began to move in ...
