


GitHub - pylbm/pylbm: Numerical simulations using flexible Lattice ...

To install pylbm from source, we encourage you to create a fresh environment using conda. conda create -n pylbm_env python As mentioned at the end of the creation of this environment, you can activate it using the comamnd line. conda activate pylbm_env Now, you just have to go into the pylbm directory that you cloned and install the dependencies

News — pylbm v0.10.0 Manual - Read the Docs

pylbm is a Python package that allows you to perform numerical simulations using Lattice Boltzmann solvers in 1D, 2D and 3D. Learn how to install, use and customize pylbm with tutorials, documentation and examples.

Tutorial — pylbm v0.10.0 Manual - Read the Docs

Learn how to use pylbm, a Python library for lattice Boltzmann methods, to solve various partial differential equations in 1D, 2D and 3D. The tutorial covers transport, wave, heat, Navier-Stokes and transport equations with source term.

PDF pyLBM Documentation - Read the Docs

pyLBM is a package for numerical simulations using Lattice Boltzmann solvers. Learn how to install, use and customize pyLBM with examples, tutorials and references.

Getting started — pyLBM v0.3.0 Manual - Read the Docs

pyLBM is a tool for numerical simulations using Lattice Boltzmann solvers. Learn how to install, use and customize pyLBM with tutorials, documentation and examples.

The Geometry of the simulation — pylbm v0.10.0 Manual - Read the Docs

With pylbm, the numerical simulations can be performed in a domain with a complex geometry. This geometry is construct without considering a particular mesh but only with geometrical objects. All the geometrical informations are defined through a dictionary and put into an object of the class Geometry.

Releases · pylbm/pylbm - GitHub

Numerical simulations using flexible Lattice Boltzmann solvers - Releases · pylbm/pylbm

The storage — pyLBM v0.3.0 Manual - Read the Docs

When you use pyLBM, a generated code is performed using the descritpion of the scheme(s) (the velocities, the polynomials, the conserved moments, the equilibriums, ...). There are several generators already implemented. NumPy; Cython; Pythran (work in progress) Loo.py (work in progress)

pylbm/pylbm_ui: User interface of pylbm using voilà - GitHub

pylbm is used to build and analyse the schemes and run the simulations. This video shows you different features of pylbm UI. pylbm_ui.mp4. The simplest way to use it is probably to click on the binder link that you can find above but it can be a little bit slow. If you want to install locally, please follow the following steps. Clone this repo

Analyze your scheme — pylbm v0.10.0 Manual - Read the Docs

In pylbm, we focus on a linear notion by computing the eigenvalues of the linear operator corresponding to one time step. The scheme will be considered as stable if all these eigenvalues stay inside the unit circle (as complex values). This notion is sufficient for linear scheme but just gives partial informations for non-linear scheme.
