Learn the difference between rollout and roll out, two phrases that are often confused. Rollout is a noun meaning a product introduction, while roll out is a verb phrase meaning to introduce something.
The meaning of ROLLOUT is the public introduction of a new aircraft; broadly : the widespread public introduction of a new product. How to use rollout in a sentence.
Learn the meaning of rollout as a noun in English, with examples of how to use it in different contexts. Rollout refers to the act of making something, especially a product or service, available for the first time or the first time it is made known to the public.
Learn the difference between rollout and roll out as nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Rollout is one word, while roll out is a phrasal verb meaning to implement something.
Learn the meaning of rollout as the act of making something, especially a product or service, available for the first time. See how to use rollout in a sentence and find translations in different languages.
The rollout of a product, process, plan, etc. is the time when it is introduced..... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.
Learn the meaning of roll out as a phrasal verb and a noun in different contexts. Find out how to use roll out in business, marketing, and cooking with examples and translations.
Learn the meaning and usage of the phrasal verb roll out, which can mean to flatten, to launch, to get up, or to execute in different contexts. See sentences from various sources and related terms for roll out.
Rollout is the introduction and integration of a new product or service to the market, or the implementation of a new system within a company. Learn about different types of rollouts, such as by invitation, region, or beta testing, and their advantages and challenges.
Learn the meaning of rollout as a noun in different contexts, such as product launch, aircraft show, or football play. Find synonyms, pronunciation, and translation of rollout in English and other languages.