Ruly is an adjective that means obedient or orderly, derived from unruly by dropping the prefix. Learn the word history, synonyms, and usage examples of ruly from Merriam-Webster.
RULY meaning: 1. If something or someone is ruly, they are easy to control: 2. If something or someone is ruly…. Learn more.
RULY definition: 1. If something or someone is ruly, they are easy to control: 2. If something or someone is ruly…. Learn more.
Ruly definition: . See examples of RULY used in a sentence.
neat and tidy. DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word 'ruly'.Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors. Send us feedback
The earliest known use of the adjective ruly is in the Middle English period (1150—1500). OED's earliest evidence for ruly is from around 1443, in the writing of Reginald Pecock, bishop of Chichester and religious author. ruly is formed within English, by derivation.
Ruly is an adjective that means neat and orderly, or well-behaved. It is a back-formation from unruly. Find out more about its usage, pronunciation, and examples.
Facetious orderly; well-behaved; tidy.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.
Ruly is an adjective or adverb that means neat and orderly, or pitiable and miserable. It is a back-formation from unruly, or a continuation of Middle English ruly.
ruly. View usage over: Source: Google Books Ngram Viewer. Wordle Helper. Scrabble Tools. Quick word challenge. Quiz Review. Question: 1 - Score: 0 / 5. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. What is this an image of? cello trombone mouth organ violin. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Drag the correct answer into the box. ...