Smilei is an open-source, collaborative and user-friendly code for plasma simulation on super-computers. It covers a wide range of physics studies, from relativistic laser-plasma interaction to astrophysics.
Smilei is a particle-in-cell code for kinetic simulation of plasmas, developed by physicists and computer scientists. It is applied to various fields of plasma physics and astrophysics, and can be used for teaching and research.
Smilei is a C++ particle-in-cell code for kinetic simulation of plasmas in various environments, from laser-plasma interaction to astrophysics. It is co-developed by physicists and HPC experts to benefit from the latest advances in high-performance computing and massively parallel supercomputers.
Smilei is a C++ code for particle-in-cell plasma simulation. It has repositories for tutorials, practicals and code on GitHub.
Learn how to use Smilei, a PIC code for plasma physics, and happi, its post-processing tool. Find tutorials on PIC basics, performances, and advanced features.
A few variables from Smilei are passed to python so that they are available to the user: The rank of the current MPI process as smilei_mpi_rank. The total number of MPI processes as smilei_mpi_size. The number of OpenMP threads per MPI smilei_omp_threads. The total number of cores smilei_total_cores. The namelist(s) is executed.
Smilei is a user-friendly electromagnetic particle-in-cell code for kinetic plasma simulation. It is applied to various fields, such as laser-plasma interaction, accelerator physics, space physics and astrophysics.
SMILEI is an open-source, object-oriented C++ code for plasma simulation, co-developed by physicists and HPC experts. It can handle various physics problems, from relativistic laser-plasma interaction to astrophysical plasmas, and is parallelized for high-performance computing.
SMILEI is a collaborative, open-source, object-oriented (C++) particle-in-cell code. To benefit from the latest advances in high-performance computing (HPC), SMILEI is co-developed by both ...
Smilei is a collaborative, object-oriented C++ code that solves the Vlasov-Maxwell system using the Particle-In-Cell method. It is applied to various physics studies, from laser-plasma interaction to astrophysical plasmas, and benefits from high-performance computing on massively parallel super-computers.