


System of National Accounts - UNSD

The 2008 SNA is the latest version of the international statistical standard for the national accounts, adopted by the UN in 2008 and 2009. It provides the accounting rules, the accounts and tables, and their integration, as well as the research agenda and practical guidance.

PDF System of National Accounts - UNSD

Foreword The System of National Accounts, 2008 (2008 SNA) is a statistical framework that provides a comprehensive, consistent and flexible set of macroeconomic accounts for policymaking, analy-sis and research purposes. It has been produced and is released under the auspices of the United

System of National Accounts 2008 - 2008 SNA - United Nations

The 2008 SNA is the latest version of the international statistical standard for the national accounts, adopted by the UN in 2008 and 2009. It provides the accounting rules, the accounts and tables, and their integration, as well as the research agenda and practical guidance.

System of National Accounts 2008 - IMF

This book explains the changes and improvements to the System of National Accounts since 1993. It provides a comprehensive, consistent and flexible framework for macroeconomic accounts and international standards in national accounting.

System of national accounts 2008 - The World Bank

The System of National Accounts, 2008 (2008 SNA) is an updated version of the System of National Accounts, 1993 (1993 SNA). It is the fifth version of the SNA, the first .

System of National Accounts - UNSD

SNA is the international standard for measuring economic activity and its distribution. Learn about the 2008 SNA, its updating process, and its historical versions.

PDF System of National Accounts

Foreword The System of National Accounts, 2008 (2008 SNA) is a statistical framework that provides a comprehensive, consistent and flexible set of macroeconomic accounts for policymaking, analy-sis and research purposes. It has been produced and is released under the auspices of the United

System of National Accounts 2008 - IMF eLibrary

A joint publication of international organizations that provides a comprehensive and consistent framework for macroeconomic accounts. The 2008 SNA is a revised and updated version of the System of National Accounts, with new features and tools for policy makers, analysts and users.

System of National Accounts 2008 | Department of Economic and Social ...

This web page provides a link to the 2008 SNA, a comprehensive statistical framework for economic statistics. It is produced and released by the UN and other international organisations for policymaking, analysis and research.

PDF The 2008 SNA - compilation in brief - UNSD

The 2008 SNA - compilation in brief A complement to the System of National Accounts 2008 World Bank.
