Synonym Discussion of Spoil. to damage seriously : ruin; to impair the quality or effect of; to impair the disposition or character of by overindulgence or excessive praise… See the full definition
Learn the meaning of spoil as a verb and a noun, with usage examples, synonyms, and idioms. Find out how to pronounce spoil and how to use it in different contexts.
Learn the meaning, pronunciation, and examples of the word spoil in English and other languages. Find out how to use spoil as a verb, noun, or idiom in different contexts and situations.
When you spoil something, you destroy it or ruin its quality. If you spoil a surprise, you tell the secret you were supposed to keep.
10 meanings: 1. to cause damage to (something), in regard to its value, beauty, usefulness, etc 2. to weaken the character of.... Click for more definitions.
Learn the meaning of spoil as a verb and a noun, with usage examples, synonyms, and idioms. Find out how to spoil food, a movie, a child, or a vote, and how to spoil for a fight or a choice.
Spoil definition: . See examples of SPOIL used in a sentence.
spoil, ruin, wreck agree in meaning to reduce the value, quality, usefulness, etc., of anything. spoil is the general term: to spoil a delicate fabric. ruin implies doing completely destructive or irreparable injury: to ruin one's health. wreck implies a violent breaking up or demolition: to wreck oneself with drink; to wreck a building.
Discover everything about the word "SPOIL" in English: meanings, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one comprehensive guide.
SPOIL definition: 1. to stop something from being enjoyable or successful: 2. If you spoil a child, you let them…. Learn more.