


经济学人双语 外汇储备-家底殷实才能迎战美元虐杀

2. What games do the old people play on their phones? 滑动查看答案 Q1 They played Words with Friends, Candy Crush and card games. Q2 People who were born during a baby boom...


They are now rebuilding their arsenals 重建外汇储备 Battling currency markets used to be considered unwise by central bankers and policymakers. Burning foreign-exchange res...


C. their life has been changed by technology D. they have more things to do than before 13.Some believe that e-mail could soon become outdated because. A. it takes a long...


2. They will not decide their attitude until they what the speaker has to say. A. have heard B. will hear C. would hear D. had heard 3. dinner is ready, I' ll give you ...


On Tuesday night, the Suns lost 111-97 to the Rockets, their fifth straight loss and their sixth in the last seven fixtures. Credit must be given to a young Houston team, displaying a rare form of poise and contro...


They carefully observed the plant and jotted down their findings in their notebooks. While they were examining the plant, they noticed a faint, mysterious melody coming fro...


Individuals within populations vary in their laterality scores and the present study suggests that each fish positions itself within the school accordingly. Individuals tha...


Most people who develop COVID-19 fully recover, but current evidence suggests approximately 10%-20% of people experience a variety of mid- and long-term effects after they ...
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