The tiger (Panthera tigris) is a large cat and a member of the genus Panthera native to Asia.It has a powerful, muscular body with a large head and paws, a long tail and orange fur with black, mostly vertical stripes. It is traditionally classified into nine recent subspecies, though some recognise only two subspecies, mainland Asian tigers and the island tigers of the Sunda Islands.
The tiger is the largest member of the cat family (Felidae), rivaled only by the lion in strength and ferocity. Males are larger than females and may attain a shoulder height of about 1 meter (about 3 feet) and a length of about 2.2 meters (7 feet), excluding a tail of about 1 meter. Tigers weigh 160-230 kg (350-500 pounds).
There are two recognized subspecies of tiger*: the continental (Panthera tigris tigris) and the Sunda (Panthera tigris sondaica). The largest of all the Asian big cats, tigers rely primarily on sight and sound rather than smell for hunting. They typically hunt alone and stalk prey. A tiger can consume more than 80 pounds of meat at one time.
Malayan tiger (P. t. jacksoni) native to the Malayan Peninsula. Sumatran tiger (P. t. sumatrae) found only on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Bengal tiger (P. t. tigris) native to the Indian subcontinent. South China tiger (P. t. amoyensis), this subspecies has not been seen in the wild since the 1970s and is thought to be extinct.
The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest living cat species and a member of the genus Panthera.It is among the most recognizable and popular of the world's charismatic megafauna. It featured prominently in the ancient mythology and folklore of cultures throughout its historic range and continues to be depicted in modern films and literature, appearing on many flags, coats of arms, and as ...
Easily recognized by its coat of reddish-orange with dark stripes, the tiger is the largest wild cat in the world. The big cat's tail is three feet long. On average the big cat weighs 450 pounds, about the same as eight ten-year-old kids. It stands three feet tall with teeth four inches long and claws as long as house keys. A female tiger gives birth to a litter of three or four cubs, who she ...
The continental tigers currently include the Bengal, Malayan, Indochinese, and Amur (Siberian) tiger populations, while the Caspian tiger is extinct in the wild. The South China tiger is believed to be functionally extinct. These tigers need our help. Every part of the tiger, from whisker to tail, is traded in illegal wildlife markets.
The tiger is the largest of all cat species, belonging to the genus Panthera and classified in the family Felidae. It is a large predator distinguished by the dark vertical stripes on dense reddish-brown or orangish-brown fur.
Learn about the tiger, the largest living member of the cat family, its appearance, habitat, subspecies, and threats. Find out how tigers hunt, what they eat, and how they are related to humans.
The tiger is an apex predator, primarily hunting ungulates (hoofed mammals) like deer and wild boar. They rely primarily on sight and sound rather than smell for hunting. They typically hunt alone ...