TIM2-TIM5 Introduction The general-purpose timers consist of a 16-bit auto-reload counter driven by a programmable prescaler. Measuring the pulse lengths of input signals (input capture) Generating output waveforms (output compare, PWM) Pulse lengths and waveform periods can be modulated from a few microseconds to several milliseconds using the timer
July 2019 AN4776 Rev 3 1/72 1 AN4776 Application note General-purpose timer cookbook for STM32 microcontrollers Introduction The timer peripheral is part of the essential set of peripherals embedded in all the STM32
TIM1 TIM8 TIM2 TIM5 TIM3 TIM4 TIM15 TIM16 TIM6 TIM7 TIM_TS Advanced General-purpose Basic Resolution [bits] 16 32 16 32 Prescaler [bits] 16 APB bus APB2 APB1 APB2 APB1 APB2 APB1 Max clock frequency [MHz](1) 306.70 153.35 306.70 153.35 306.70 153.35 Counter direction Up, down, up and down Up Number of channels 6(2) 4(3) 2(4) 1(5) 0 DMA Yes
November 2024 AN4013 Rev 12 1/47 1 AN4013 Application note Introduction to timers for STM32 MCUs Introduction The purpose of this document is to: • Present an overview of the timer periphera ls for the STM32 product series listed in Table 1. • Describe the various modes and specific timer features, such as clock sources.
TIM2 to TIM5 - General-purpose timers (We will focus on this in the current tutorial) TIM9 to TIM14 - General-purpose timers; TIM6 and TIM7 - Basic timers; In this post, we will see the General-Purpose timers (TIM2 to TIM5) in the STM32F7. The block diagram of the general-purpose timer is given below.
It's related to the input triggers for the advanced timers 1 and 8. I reconfigured my PWM toggle to use TIM5 so that I could use TIM5's TRGO to input into TIM1 (ITR0); TIM1 will count the rising edges of TIM5 now. In other words, TIM5 is the master of TIM1. It seems to be working quite nicely- I get a triangle wave as I count up and store the ...
Alright, I found the issue. TIM5 is used by the Arduino Giga for things such as writing to the serial port. It probably has other uses as well, but I noted that anytime Serial.println() was called for example, the counter TIM5 CR1 CEN would be enabled...
General-Purpose Timers (TIM2-TIM5): These timers are versatile and commonly used for various timing and control tasks. They have advanced features like input capture, output compare, and PWM generation modes. General-purpose timers provide a wide range of functionality and flexibility. Advanced-Control Timers (TIM1 and TIM8):
The initialization is finished by settingup the timer TIM5. The reload - value is written into the reload register TIM5_ARR, and the update event is mapped as a valid interrupt request from this timer by setting the LS bit of the register TIM5_DIER. Finally, the timer is enabled to run by setting the LS bit in control register TIM5_CR.
16-bit binary counter (32 in TIM2, TIM5) Up counter in TIM6- TIM7, TIM9- TIM14 Up/down in TIM1- TIM5, TIM8 TIMx Prescale Register (TIMx_PSC, address offset 0x28) Clock prescale value (16 bits) f CK_CNT = f CK_INT ÷ prescale (assuming CK_INT is clock source) TIMx Auto-Reload Register (TIMx_ARR, addr. offset 0x2C ) 16-bit register (32 in TIM2, TIM5)