


"tend " 和 "trend" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative

tend a trend shows the way things are tending towards. 的同义词 ... tend 和 trend 有什么区别?如果难以说明的话,请教我一下例句。 Report copyright infringement; 回答 Close 当你"踩"了一个回答的时候, 回答者不会收到通知。 O只有提问者才能查看踩了这个回答的用户。

tend与trend的用法的区别 - 百度知道

2011-11-10 tend和trend有什么区别? 316 2010-11-29 tend和trend的区别 3 2015-11-03 Tend和trend区别 2 2015-07-01 trend 和tend 做动词表示倾向时有什么不同吗?我觉得... 5 2008-06-06 trend tend 有什么区别? 72 2013-12-24 trend tend tendency的区别 1 2014-11-16 区分tend,tendency,trend 33

"tend " 和 "trend" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative

tend 的同義字a trend shows the way things are tending towards. tend 的同義字a trend shows the way things are tending towards. 註冊; 登入; Question 更新於 ... tend 和 trend 的差別在哪裡?如果不好說明,請提供一些例句。

"trend" 和 "tend" 和 "intend" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative

"Trend" is a change, a general direction in which something is developing / changing. It could refer to fashion, etc. "tend" and "intend" (to) are transition verbs. They're quite close to each other but not quite the same. "tend" means to be influenced in the direction of a particular idea, just like a habit. For example..

tend和trend区别在哪?tend和trend的用法 | 阿卡索外教网

tend和trend区别在哪? 一,词性不同. 1.tend常用作不及物动词 例句:Sports cars tend to hold their value well. 跑车往往很能保值。 2.trend常用作名词 例句:These statistics display a definite trend. 这些统计数据表现出一种明显的趋势。 二,用法不同. 1.tend后常接后接to或towards;

trend和tend的不同 - 百度知道

trend和tend的不同有:词义不同、用法不同、搭配不同、语境不同。 1、词义不同:tend主要表示一种内在的倾向或趋势,强调自然而然的发展方向;而trend则更多地指一种时尚、流行的趋势,强调外在的变化和影响。

tend和trend有什么区别 - page.sm.cn

tend和trend的区别主要体现在含义、词性和用法上: 1. 含义:tend作为动词,含义有往往会、常常就、走向、趋于、照料、护理等。而trend可作名词和动词,含义有趋势、动态、倾向等。 2. 词性:tend只作动词,而trend可作名词和动词。 3.

trend和tend的区别? - 百度知道

tend /vi:易于,倾向于,往往;泛指有做某事的倾向,或趋向于某种状况的倾向. she tends to get angry if you annoy her.如果你使她烦恼,她容易(往往)发火 she tends to be sentimental.她往往多愁善感 (to sth)idleness tends to poverty.游手好闲往往致穷 trend /n

tend和trend有什么区别 - sm.cn

tend和trend在表示"趋向"时意思一致,但它们的用法和词性有所不同 : 1. 词性:tend是动词,而trend是名词。 2. 用法:tend常用作不及物动词,表达一种趋势或倾向,通常后接to或towards。例如,"She tends to be late"(她往往迟到)。 而trend作为名词,表示一种明显的 ...

"tendency" 和 "trend" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative

tendencyTrend sounds slightly more scientific than tendency, I think. It immediately evokes scientific charts and specific data that yield your trend. Tendency is more flexible. You can observe tendencies in your day-to-day life as well. So, it can be used both in a scientific and plain register. plain: She has a tendency to exaggerate. = She tends to exaggerate. Fresh cut flowers have a ...
