
up, upward, upper三个词之间有什么区别?


"up" 和 "upward" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative

upThere is a rule, but few people follow it. The rule is that "up" describes position and "upward" describes direction or motion. "The cat is high up in the tree." (position) "Look upward and you will see the cat." (direction that you look) But nobody says this. Most speakers in the will use "up" for both sentences. "He climbed up on the ladder." - It described direction, but everyone uses "up ...

up, upward, upper三个词之间有什么区别? - 百度知道

2010-04-15 be quick和hurry up两个词的区别 17 2012-07-14 lower canada upper canada 叛乱的意... 2013-03-23 upward与upwards的区别 19 2014-04-17 upward / upon/ up的区别 1 2010-09-24 on和up和upon有什么区别 7 2006-07-10 上,下,左,右.翻译成英文分别怎么说? 2

"up" 和 "upward" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative

up的同義字There is a rule, but few people follow it. The rule is that "up" describes position and "upward" describes direction or motion. "The cat is high up in the tree." (position) "Look upward and you will see the cat." (direction that you look) But nobody says this. Most speakers in the will use "up" for both sentences. "He climbed up on the ladder." - It described direction, but ...

英语词缀up- (up; upward; upper; to make. . . upward) 与派生词

本族语派生前缀up-的基本意思等于英语介词或副词up(向上)。up-可以与动词或名词结合,也可以加在形容词或分词前面,表不up, upward, upper等含义。值得注意的是,up-与名词结合时,可能改变词基单词的词性,生成形容词或动词。生成动词时,up-的意义相当于to ...

英语中表示"上下"的形容词副词——upper、lower、upward (s)、downward (s) - 知乎

the upper floors of a building 大楼的高层. There is an upper age limit for becoming a pilot. 当飞行员有年龄上限. the upper reaches of the Nile 尼罗河的上游. 二、引申. 1、上面的 higher. the upper lip 上唇. 2、较高级的 more important. the upper echelons of corporate management 公司管理人员中的高层. 3 ...

up,upward,upper三个词之间有什么区别? 爱问知识人

up,upward,upper三个词之间有什么区别?:up起来,向上 adv.在上面,在高处;起床,起来;向上;由低到高 adj.向上的;上升的;竖立的,垂直的?


up和upwards的区别? up意思: (形容词)向上的,向上面的,向上头的, (副词) 向上, 往上. 用作副词 (adv.) Put the packet up on the top shelf. 用作形容词 (adj.) It is an up elevator. upwards(副词) 向上地,上升地;在上面,向上头. upward: So why not create more agricultural land by building upwards ?

"upwards" 和 "upward" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative

"the stairs lead upwards to the next level." "When I push the lever upward, the door opens." "The shore slopes upwards away from the water." "It is amazing to watch a hot air balloon rise upward into the morning light" It is amazing to watch a hot air balloon as it rises upwards into the morning light."

"upwards" 和 "upward" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative

"the stairs lead upwards to the next level." "When I push the lever upward, the door opens." "The shore slopes upwards away from the water." "It is amazing to watch a hot air balloon rise upward into the morning light" It is amazing to watch a hot air balloon as it rises upwards into the morning light."

upward还是upwards - 柯帕斯英语网

They climbed upward along the steep cliffs surrounding the village. 他们沿着村庄周围的陡峭悬崖往上爬。 (2)upward adj. 向上的,上升的; 升高的. She started once again on the steep upward climb. 她又开始沿着陡峭的山路往上爬。 She gave him a quick, upward look, then lowered her eyes.
