Learn tips for planting, pruning, propagating, and overwintering violas, also known as pansies, Johnny-jump-ups, or violets. Violas are edible flowers that bloom in cool weather and come in various colors and sizes.
Small-flowered types tend to tolerate more sun and heat than large-flowered pansies. All violas require rich soil that drains freely. Planting Instructions for Violas. Although violas can be started from seed, the plants are slow-growing and should be started indoors 10 to 12 weeks before your last frost date.
Learn how to grow and care for violas, the small and colorful flowers that thrive in cool weather. Find out about their soil, light, water, fertilizer, and deadheading needs, and see how to use them in your garden or containers.
Viola flowers are cool weather plants that come in various colors and shapes. Learn how to plant, care for, and enjoy these beautiful and easy-to-grow flowers in your garden.
Learn how to grow violas from seeds or seedlings, and how to care for them in your garden or containers. Discover the different varieties of violas, their uses, and their scents.
Learn how to grow violas and pansies, the pretty and hardy flowers that brighten up shady gardens and containers. Find out about seed sowing, planting, watering, deadheading, propagating and common issues.
Learn how to grow and care for violas, a charming and versatile flowering plant that can brighten up any garden. Find out about different viola types, planting, growing from seeds, watering, fertilizing, pest and disease control, and more.
Feed container-grown violas a half-strength dose of fish emulsion every 2 weeks throughout the growing season. Additional Tips. Deadhead blooms often to encourage fresh blooms. Cut back violas in the fall to reinvigorate the plant and encourage fall blooming. Violas are prone to several fungal diseases, such as leaf spot or anthracnose.
Learn about different types of violas, pansies, and violets, and how to grow them in your garden. See photos and descriptions of 31 colorful and fragrant varieties, from ivory to purple, with tips on planting and care.
Growing violas can be a delightful addition to any garden, offering a burst of color and charm. As a versatile group of flowering plants, violas are treasured for their array of vibrant colors and are available in both annual and perennial varieties. Whether accentuating a flower bed, border, or container, violas make a visually appealing ...