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Wemos is a Dutch organization that works to improve health systems and well-being of people worldwide. It influences policy, presents solutions and calls for action on topics such as tax justice, LGBTQ+ rights and health funding.

D1 Boards — WEMOS documentation

D1 mini. D1 mini Pro. D1 mini Lite. Previous Next . © Copyright 2021-2024, wemos.cc. Revision 5eacfac4.

Wemos ESP8266 Getting Started Guide With Arduino IDE

The WEMOS board comes with 3 different types of headers. Female; Male ; Female/Male (long female) I use a breadboard to solder these on. It helps keep everything aligned.

CH340 Driver — WEMOS documentation

Note. For Mac OSX 10.14 and greater, do not install any supplimentary drivers. The drivers are now included with OSX. Installing the CH340 will cause a conflict and you will not be able to connect.

LOLIN D1 mini v3.1.0 — WEMOS documentation

Learn about the features, tutorials, and technical specs of the LOLIN D1 mini v3.1.0, a mini wifi board with 4MB flash based on ESP-8266EX. It supports MicroPython, Arduino, and nodemcu.

C3 Boards — WEMOS documentation

C3 mini. C3 pico. Previous Next . © Copyright 2021-2024, wemos.cc. Revision 5eacfac4.

D1 mini Lite — WEMOS documentation

D1 mini Lite is a simple wifi board with 1MB flash based on ESP-8285. It has 11 digital IO, 1 analog input, Micro USB connection and supports MicroPython, Arduino, nodemcu.

LOLIN D1 mini — WEMOS documentation

LOLIN D1 mini is a 4MB flash board compatible with MicroPython, Arduino, and nodemcu. It has 11 digital IO, 1 analog input, Type-C USB port, and LOLIN I2C port.
